
Melbourne Now countdown – day 61

The energy in Exhibition Design has reached a new intensity as models, plans and prototypes are being realised into finished gallery spaces. After months of planning and anticipation an army of tradespeople is beginning to transform the NGV in preparation for the installation of Melbourne Now. Hundreds of litres of paint, pallets of plaster sheet and truckloads of timber stud are being negotiated through the corridors. A daily procession through the upper basement heralding the beginning of our most ambitious exhibition build. Fluro is definitely in fashion at the NGV as designer black makes way for hard hats, steel caps and hi-visibility vests.

With over 60 days still to go we’ve only just begun and there’s certainly still plenty to do. However, with every new phase of a project comes a renewed enthusiasm. For me it’s the build phase that brings the most excitement, especially when you’re working with beautiful materials. For example, how fabulous is this timber (see image to the left).

Old Oregon beams rescued from a Melbourne factory that was planned for demolition, now being given another life as display infrastructure in Melbourne Now. There’s excitement in the studio as foam core and card makes way for timber, glass, acrylic and wallpaper.

Spring is in the air and with it creative thoughts are blossoming into fully realised design concepts. What’s not to love about that?