Ash Keating<br/>
Australia 1980–<br/>
West Park Proposition 2012 (production still)<br/>
three channel video installation<br/>
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br/>
Purchased, NGV Foundation, 2012<br/>
Photograph by Greta Costello<br/>
©2012 Greta Costello

Melbourne Now countdown – day 69

Ash Keating
Australia 1980–

The NGV Women’s Association is proud to present Melbourne in a Moment, a half-day seminar featuring six of the artists included in Melbourne Now.  To be held at NGV International on 18 September, the morning will provide a foretaste of the exciting mix of art, design and performance that will be showcased in Melbourne Now. Artists Destiny Deacon, Marco Fusinato, Patrick Pound, and Lauren Berkowitz together with architectural designer, Rory Hyde, and choreographer and dancer, Shelley Lasica, will each speak about their projects for Melbourne Now and their wider practices. This program will provide the first opportunity to hear what these major practitioners have planned for Melbourne Now.

The NGV Women’s Association is one of the Gallery’s key supporters’ groups who has been raising funds for over fifty years for the acquisition of works for the NGV collection. Over one hundred works of art have been acquired across many collection areas and include Tommy Watson’s Awilyulu (2003); a wonderful silver toast rack designed in 1880 by Christopher Dresser; and the Art Deco Tivo Chair (c1918) by Jaques-Emile Ruhlmann.  Andy Warhol’s Self-portrait no.9 (1986) was acquired in 1987, just weeks before Warhol died suddenly aged 58.

The NGV Women’s Association is pleased to present this important public program in association with Melbourne Now.  The funds raised will be used to secure a work much loved by NGV visitors, The Young Mother (1891), by John Longstaff that will be a significant addition to the Gallery’s collection.

We hope you will be able to join us, the Director, Tony Ellwood and Senior Curator, Contemporary Art, Max Delany for this important event.

Date: Wednesday 18 September

Time: 9.30am–12.30pm

Where:  Clemenger BBDO Auditorium, NGV International

Cost: $80 including delicious morning tea

Bookings:  03 8662 1555

Information: email the NGV Foundation: