Installation view of Kiron Robinson’s on display in <em>Slippery Images</em> as part of the <em>Melbourne Now</em>  exhibition at The Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia, Melbourne from 24 March – 20 August 2023.

Kiron Robinson

Kiron Robinson
(b. 1975, Bangladesh, moved to Australia 1983. Lives and works in Naarm/Melbourne)

In addition to If you want my mind, you can take my pain as well, Kiron Robinson also presents five works in the Slippery Images installation – four photographic compositions and one sculpture – that continue his inquiry into the limitations and opportunities of the photographic surface. Circular perforations suggest portals to miniature worlds; a beaded necklace drapes over the photographic representation of a waterfall; and a glass structure ruptures through a magazine stack. Together, the result is a series of images rendered vulnerable, which in turn call into question the very meaning of the scenes they depict.

Since 2003, Robinson has exhibited extensively in Australia and internationally. Recent projects include exhibitions at Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA), Taipei; POSCO Museum of Art, South Korea; and Kurumaya Museum, Japan. In 2017 he completed a major public commission for Bargoonga Nganjin North Fitzroy Library, and in 2016 for the Melbourne Biennial Lab. Robinson has participated in a number of residencies, including the inbound residency program through New York arts space apexart in 2012, and was also a Gertrude Contemporary Studio Program resident between 2005 and 2007. Robinson also curates numerous exhibitions and projects around Melbourne, including Not For the Sake of Something More, as part of the PHOTO 2021 International Festival of Photography. He is currently Head of the Photography department at the Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne University.