Miss GEDDES (attributed to) (decorator)<br/>
<em>Sheet music, fancy dress</em> 1906 <!-- (front 3/4 right) --><br />

cotton, metal, paint<br />
(a) 42.5 cm (centre back) 38.0 cm (width) (bodice) (b) 106.0 cm (centre back) 26.0 cm (waist, flat) (skirt) (c) 25.5 x 176.8 x 1.0 cm (sash) (d) 13.0 cm (height) 49.0 cm (circumference) (headpiece) (e) 24.0 x 48.0 cm (fan)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased through The Art Foundation of Victoria with the assistance of David Syme & Co. Limited, Fellow, 1977<br />
D80.a-e-1977<br />


Miss Geddes Sheet music, fancy dress 1906

Miss GEDDES (attributed to) (decorator)
Sheet music, fancy dress 1906

This charming fancy-dress costume was acquired from a private collector. The following information was recorded at the time: ‘This dress was worn to a fancy-dress ball at Mena House, Cairo, in 1907 by a Miss Geddes. The dress is accompanied by three photographs of the owner wearing it and a cutting from the Egyptian Gazette of 20 February 1907 describing the ball’. While the newspaper cutting is now lost, the photograph bears this handwritten annotation: ‘1907, under the orange blossom, Bloemfontein (South Africa)’.

This work in on display in Fashion Detective at The Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia (9 May – 31 August 2014).