Liam Young<br/>
<em>Planet City</em> 2020 (render)<br/>
colour digital video, sound, 15 min<br/>
Visual effects supervisor: Alexey Marfin<br/>
Original score: Matthew Barnes/Forest Swords<br/>
Lead researcher: Case Miller<br/>
Visual effects: Case Miller, Aman Sheth,Vivian Komati<br/>
Main costume assistant: Courtney Mitchell<br/>
Costume assistant: Ela Erdogan<br/>
Costume artists: Holly McQuillian, Aneesa Shami, Janice Arnold, Yeohlee Teng<br/>
Cinematography: Stewart Addison<br/>
Commissioned by the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br/>
Proposed acquisition with funds donated by Bagôt Gjergja Foundation, 2020<br/>
© Liam Young