<em>Avalokiteshvara</em> (15th century) <!-- (front view) --><br />

copper alloy, silver, pigment, gilt<br />
32.8 x 27.0 x 24.0 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased, 1975<br />
AS16-1975<br />


Buddhism encompasses a variety of beliefs, philosophies and spiritual practices and its importance in Asian culture is reflected in the art that has been produced. What are the origins and principles of Buddhism and how are these reflected in art and the modern mindfulness movement?

Marking Buddha’s birthday, Senior Lay Teacher, Sandeep Karki, provides a brief introduction to the principles of Buddhism followed by a short tour of works in the NGV Collection with Wayne Crothers, Senior Curator of Asian Art.

Following the tour, Sandeep Karki leads a virtual guided meditation from the NGV’s Asian Art Collection.

View selected works from the NGV Collection

Presented in partnership with Asia Society Australia.