Hoda AFSHAR<br/>
<em>Remain</em> 2018 <!-- (screen grab) --><br />

two-channel colour digital video, sound<br />
23 min 29 sec<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased, Victorian Foundation for Living Australian Artists, 2019<br />
2019.831<br />
© Hoda Afshar. Image courtesy of the artist and Milani Gallery, Meeanjin/Brisbane

We Change the World is an exhibition that invites audiences to think about the idea of change and the role art and design have in provoking and responding to change, in any way, large or small. The exhibition features Hoda Afshar’s work Remain, 2018, and we asked her to share her thoughts on change as it relates to her practice and how art and design can change the world.

View work in NGV Collection online