Juliette Arent and Sarah-Jane Pyke<br/>
Arent & Pyke (NSW)<br/>

Female design duo, Arent & Pyke, started collaborating 11 years ago. Working with natural materials, designers Juliette Arent and Sarah-Jane Pyke, describe their ethos as innately natural and uncomplicated.

Arent & Pyke’s interior space created for Rigg Design Prize 2018 centres on themes of feast, bathe and rest. “So where we restore ourselves, where we retreat and where we bring people in to be apart of our lives”.

In the first major presentation of contemporary interior design in the NGV’s history, the Rigg Design Prize 2018 brings together ten leading Australian interior designers and decorators to each create a purpose-built room at NGV International from 11 October 2018 until 24 February 2019.

The Rigg Design Prize is generously supported by the Cicely and Colin Rigg Bequest, managed by Equity Trustees.