Lavinia FONTANA<br/>
<em>Mystic marriage of Saint Catherine</em> (1574-1577) <!-- () --><br />

oil on copper<br />
48.7 x 36.6 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Felton Bequest, 2021<br />
2021.558<br />


Italian artist Lavinia Fontana (1552 – 1614) is widely recognised as the first woman to become a professional painter in Europe. Many of Fontana’s early works featured strong and powerful women from ancient mythology and Christian history. As well as St Catherine, St Elisabeth, Mary Magdalene and the Virgin Mary, she also painted the Old Testament heroine Judith in the act of beheading Holofernes, and the goddess Venus.

Learn more about this incredible artist in Observations, our newly launched year-long series of online seminars.

View work in NGV Collection online