Sori YANAGI<br/>
<em>Pair of Butterfly stools</em> (c. 1954) <!-- () --><br />

Rosewood (Dalbergia sp.), brass<br />
(a) 39.8 x 41.7 x 31.8 cm (left Butterfly stool) (b) 38.3 x 42.6 x 31.5 cm (right Butterfly stool)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased, NGV Supporters of Asian Art, 2021<br />
2021.297<br />


Sori Yanagi was a pioneer of design, with his work championing traditional Japanese aesthetics, design principles and architecture that have resulted in him being celebrated to this day. In this video, NGV Senior Curator of Asian Art, Wayne Crothers shares a little about the life, practice, and inspirations of Sori Yanagi, focusing on his most iconic design, The Butterfly Stool.

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