Emily Kam Kngwarray<br> <em>Anwerlarr anganenty (Big yam Dreaming)</em> 1995 <!-- (recto) --><br>   synthetic polymer paint on canvas<br> 291.1 x 801.8 cm<br>   National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br> Presented through The Art Foundation of Victoria by Donald and Janet Holt and family, Governors, 1995<br> 1995.709<br>   © Emily Kam Kngwarray/Licensed by VISCOPY, Australia

Emily Kam Kngwarray’s monochrome painting Anwerlarr Anganenty (Big Yam Dreaming) represents important aspects of her cultural heritage. Join contemporary voices as they share their thoughts on this monumental work, Indigenous Australian culture and the significance of yams as food and cultural icon.

Presented by The Wheeler Centre.

  • The changing face of Indigenous art | Judith Ryan
  • Dear Aunty Emily | Bruce Pascoe
  • Sing, dance and talk strong | Mandy Nicholson
  • Food is an important ritual | Matt Preston
  • Tell the world who you are | Clinton Nain
  • Three powerful poems | Ellen Van Neerven (Yugambeh)