Students at a <em>Paries Pictus</em> workshop colouring in Robin Rhode's <em>Rough cut</em> (2007)<br/>
© Robin Rhode

Mum, Kate Nelson, brings her son to Robin Rhode: The Call of Walls

Students at a Paries Pictus workshop colouring in Robin Rhode's Rough cut (2007)

Robin Rhode: The Call of The Walls is one of many fantastic family friendly experiences the National Gallery of Victoria has on offer this Winter.

I count myself lucky to be a citizen of Melbourne; at my leisure I have multiple reasons to pop into the NGV with my family.  And these little power visits are perfect bite sized experiences that keep us wanting to come back for more.

Charlie (age 4) and I visited Robin Rhode: The Call of The Walls and can report back that there really is something for every age in this exhibition.  The first section of the space is dedicated to the more interactive aspect of Robin’s work.  On one wall we see the collaborative piece done with local school children (as well as the giant crayons on display and a video record of what took place) and on the other wall we are presented with the opportunity to contribute our own “mark”.

It didn’t take too much encouraging for Charlie to take up the challenge of drawing on the walls… really for most of us this is something we just never do (unless we are being naughty).

The room is filled with worktables sporting crayons and booklets reflecting the work on the walls (so you can also create your own take home artwork).  The center of the room is dedicated to beanbags and a projection of work by Robin.

Enter the second room and you are presented with a more traditional gallery experience – artworks on walls, more stop motion animation and so on.

Our guest blogger, Kate Nelson, writes, a website where you can find individually reviewed activities, classes, events, playgrounds and school holiday programs for children and families.