Renoir to Picasso: Masterpieces from the Musée de l'Orangerie, Paris

The Musée de l'Orangerie, Paris
Who was Paul Guillaume?
The Artists
Henri Rousseau: An Interactive Story
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Claude Monet
Paul Cézanne
Henri Rousseau
Henri Matisse
Amedeo Modigliani
Chaim Soutine
Marie Laurencin
Maurice Utrillo
André Derain
Pablo Picasso
National Gallery of Victoria

Paul Cézanne


Paul Cézanne - Fruits, Napkin and Milk Can -


Paul Cézanne
Fruits, Napkin and Milk Can, c.1880
Oil on canvas
60.0 x 73.0cm
Musée de l'Orangerie, Paris
© Photo RMN - Arnaudet


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This still life broke new ground in its unconventional treatment of pictorial construction. The chest lid, for example, is tilted towards the viewer rather than being set at a ninety-degree angle to the wall, and the objects depicted seem to be on top of, instead of behind, each other. By intentionally breaking the traditional rules of perspective, Cézanne's paintings provided one of the major inspirations for Cubism.


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