GREECE, Attica<br />
 THE GROUP OF LONDON B 174 (attributed to)<br/>
<em>Amphora (Attic black-figure ware)</em> 540 BCE <!-- (full view) --><br />

earthenware<br />
54.8 x 36.2 cm diameter<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Felton Bequest, 1957<br />
1729-D4<br />

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Border (GREECE) Border (GREECE) Triptych (GREECE) Hanging (GREECE); (CRETE) Aryballos GREECE, Corinth Aryballos (Italo-Corinthian black-figure ware) GREECE, Corinth Oinochoe (Attic red-figure ware) GREECE, Attica Plate (Attic geometric black-figure ware) GREECE, Attica Aryballos (Italo-Corinthian ware) GREECE, Corinth Torso of an athlete GREECE / ITALY Lekythos (Attic black figure ware) GREECE, Athens Boots UNKNOWN Amphora (Attic geometric black-figure ware) GREECE, Attica Skyphos (Glaux) (Attic red-figure ware) GREECE, Attica Sot Kyrou from Greece with son George, born in Australia. Albion Street, Brunswick Angela LYNKUSHKA Sunion Katerina WILCZYNSKI Untitled Apostolos GEORGIOU Lekythos (Corinthian black-figure ware) GREECE, Corinth Little Master Lip cup (Attic black-figure ware) GREECE, Attica; SAKONIDES (attributed to) Little Master Band cup (Attic black-figure ware) GREECE, Attica; HERMOGENES (potter) Kothon (Corinthian ware) GREECE, Corinth Christ as Lord of all (GREECE) Olpe (Attic black-figure ware) GREECE, Attica; THE DOT IVY GROUP (related to) Aryballos (Rhodian black-figure ware) GREECE, Rhodes Cup (Attic red-figure ware) GREECE, Attica; PAMPHAIOS (potter); THE NIKOSTHENES PAINTER (attributed to) Psykter amphora (Chalkidian black-figure ware) GREECE, Chalkis / ITALY; THE INSCRIPTIONS PAINTER (attributed to) Olpe (Corinthian black-figure ware) GREECE, Corinth Nikosthenic neckamphora (Attic black-figure ware) GREECE, Attica; NIKOSTHENES (attributed to) (potter and painter) Monastery of Dochiariou, Mount Athos Edward LEAR Mount Parnassus Stefano della BELLA
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