Image courtesy of Oculus
Melbourne Design Week

A Royal Commission Into The State Of Australian Cities

Presented by Oculus

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Free entry Thu 12 Mar 20, 6pm–7.15pm
NGV International
Clemenger BBDO Auditorium

While Australian cities are ranked among the most liveable in the world, increasing evidence suggests they may be headed for crisis in coming decades without major structural shifts in policy, planning and governance. In the context of recent climate and biodiversity emergency declarations, infrastructure implementation failing to keep up with population growth and the unfolding crisis in the construction industry, is it time for a national Royal Commission into the state of Australian cities?

Part theatre, part panel discussion, this hypothetical Royal Commission brings together a range of built environment professionals, policy makers and informed commentators (from across the political spectrum) for a lively debate into the most pressing issues facing the planning of our cities.

Cassie Serpell, Barrister, Victorian Bar

Dr Joshua Zeunert, Senior Lecturer, Landscape Architecture Program, UNSW Sydney
Joan Ko, Sustainability Leader, Arup Australasia
Sarah Lynn Rees, Palawa, Graduate of Architecture at Jackson Clements Burrows; Lecturer, Monash University
Peter Seamer, Author of Breaking Point: The Future of Australian Cities and Former CEO of the Victorian Planning Authority
Phoebe Harrison​, Associate at SGS Economics and Planning
Michael Zorbas, Group Exec. Policy & Advocacy, Property Council of Australia

Instagram @oculusstudios

Free entry Thu 12 Mar 20, 6pm–7.15pm
NGV International
Clemenger BBDO Auditorium
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