19 Desires and One Belief is an artist-driven publication by Angela Brennan, a non-exhaustive slice of practice, spanning around thirty years. Including an essay by Dr Jan Bryant, a poem by Justin Clemens and contributions by Mitch Cairns, Mel Deerson, Michael Graf, Lizzy Newman, Lisa Radford and Georgina Sambell. In between the texts are wall-to-wall images arranged non-periodically, sequenced to reflect a circuitous approach to practice. The book decontextualizes the works, freeing them from previous frameworks in which they have been presented.
The book launch event will include a discussion of Angela Brennan’s practice by Dr Kyla McFarlane, a discussion of how the design process honoured and extended the vision of the monograph as a medium for artistic practice by Lucy Russell, and brief reflections from Angela Brennan.