Sorry you missed this one!

19 Desires and One Belief is an artist-driven publication by Angela Brennan, a non-exhaustive slice of practice, spanning around thirty years. Including an essay by Dr Jan Bryant, a poem by Justin Clemens and contributions by Mitch Cairns, Mel Deerson, Michael Graf, Lizzy Newman, Lisa Radford and Georgina Sambell. In between the texts are wall-to-wall images arranged non-periodically, sequenced to reflect a circuitous approach to practice. The book decontextualizes the works, freeing them from previous frameworks in which they have been presented.

The book launch event will include a discussion of Angela Brennan’s practice by Dr Kyla McFarlane, a discussion of how the design process honoured and extended the vision of the monograph as a medium for artistic practice by Lucy Russell, and brief reflections from Angela Brennan.

Fayen d'Evie, Artist
Dr Kyla McFarlane, Curator Academic Programs (Research), The Ian Potter Museum of Art
Lucy Russell, Designer
Angela Brennan, Artist