Lee KRASNER<br/>
<em>Combat</em> 1965 <!-- (recto) --><br />

oil on canvas<br />
179.0 x 410.4 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Felton Bequest, 1992<br />
IC1-1992<br />
© Lee Krasner/ARS, New York. Licensed by Copyright Agency, Australia

Colour: One-Day Course

Sat 10 May, 9.30am–4pm

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Lee KRASNER<br/> <em>Combat</em> 1965 <!-- (recto) --><br /> oil on canvas<br /> 179.0 x 410.4 cm<br /> National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br /> Felton Bequest, 1992<br /> IC1-1992<br /> © Lee Krasner/ARS, New York. Licensed by Copyright Agency, Australia <!--5213-->

NGV International

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Booking required

$220 Member / $250 Non-Member / $235 Concession, Student & Educator
+ $5.50 Booking Fee

Enrol in more than one course to receive a 10% discount. To access the discounted enrolment, email artschool@ngv.vic.gov.au

NGV Members, educators and students receive discounted enrolment to all NGV Art School courses.

General enquiries

Ph +61 3 8620 2222
9am–5pm, daily

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Immerse yourself in the science, psychology and spectacle of colour in this rich one-day intensive course designed for adult learners, educators and those wishing to expand their knowledge of colour, with a focus on art and design histories and inventions.


Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Gain an introductory understanding of the science of colour and the factors that contribute to colour perception.
  • Describe and analyse the use of colour in works of art and design in the NGV Collection.
  • Discuss the history of artist pigments and identify technological developments in colour pigments visible in works in the NGV Collection.
  • Identify and discuss the influence of colour on art and design across different times and contexts.


The course takes place on Saturday 10 May from 9.30am–4pm.

Lunch will be provided via a voucher to be redeemed onsite at Gallery Kitchen or Tea Room.


Spend the day at the NGV learning from NGV curators and conservators, guided by specialist educators along the way. Through studying works in the NGV Collection by artists such as Lee Krasner, Josef Albers and more, discover the science behind colour and its symbolic use in art and design around the world.

Suitable for all skill levels, no prior experience necessary.


$220 Member / $250 Non-Member / $235 Concession, Student & Educator
+ $5.50 Booking Fee

Enrol in more than one course to receive a 10% discount. To access the discounted enrolment, email artschool@ngv.vic.gov.au

NGV Members, educators and students receive discounted enrolment to all NGV Art School courses.


Colour offers an inspiring and creative professional learning opportunity for teachers of all levels and subjects. Colour meets the following AITSL standards:

  • Know the content and how to teach it (2.1)
  • Engage in professional learning (6.1)
  • Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community (7.4)
  • A certificate of professional learning is available on request.

    This course is part of NGV Art School – your one-stop resource for inspiration, creative skill-building and immersion in art and art history. Join us for in-Gallery and online courses, practical artist-led classes, and tailored learning experiences led by curators and specialist educators.


    Everyone is welcome at the NGV. We offer a range of accessible resources, facilities, and events. For information, visit our Access webpage or contact us via email at programs@ngv.vic.gov.au or phone; 8620 2222 between 9am-5pm.

    Courses NGV Collection NGV International