Grace Cossington SMITH<br/>
<em>The Bridge in-curve</em> (1930) <!-- (recto) --><br />

tempera on cardboard<br />
83.6 x 111.8 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Presented by the National Gallery Society of Victoria, 1967<br />
1765-5<br />
© Estate of Grace Cossington Smith

Connect and Create The Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia

Grace Cossington SMITH<br/> <em>The Bridge in-curve</em> (1930) <!-- (recto) --><br /> tempera on cardboard<br /> 83.6 x 111.8 cm<br /> National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br /> Presented by the National Gallery Society of Victoria, 1967<br /> 1765-5<br /> © Estate of Grace Cossington Smith <!--3007-->

Free entry

The Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia, Fed Square

Meeting Point: Ground Level

Booking required

General enquiries

Ph +61 3 8620 2222
9am–5pm, daily

The NGV invites people living with dementia, along with their family, friends and carers, to connect with art through enriching experiences that promote discovery, creativity, and social interactions.

Connect and Create
Engage in a small group discussion about one to two works of art in the Gallery, followed by a hands-on artmaking activity in the studio. Each session runs for two hours and features different works of art and art making techniques each month.

Connect and Create is facilitated by trained NGV Educators. These free dementia-friendly sessions offer a relaxed pace and supportive environment. No prior art knowledge or experience are required. Join us for one session or come along to them all.

The NGV gratefully acknowledges Karen McLeod Adair and Anthony Adair AM for their generous support of the NGV’s art and dementia initiatives.

Tue 25 Mar, 10.30am–12.30pm (Past)

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Tue 29 Apr, 10.30am–12.30pm

Tue 27 May, 10.30am–12.30pm

Tue 24 Jun, 10.30am–12.30pm

Tue 29 Jul, 10.30am–12.30pm

Tue 26 Aug, 10.30am–12.30pm

Access Dementia friendly