Design, Women and Housing

Presented by MADA, XYX Lab and Schored Projects

Sorry you missed this one!

Design, Women and Housing is a symposium in three parts: women and housing, women and homelessness and first nation women’s spaces. Women and housing will address our understanding of spaces for women, by women and the significance of gender in design thinking. Women and Homelessness will explore the spatial needs and the provision of safe housing for women experiencing domestic violence. First nations women’s spaces will focus on how specific needs play out spatially, looking at family, country and sustainable on-site communities. Each part explores the futuring of our habitats and design opportunities for better housing futures.

Panel 1: Women and Housing

Sophie Dyring, Director Schored Projects.Sophie is a passionate affordable housing advocate. As an architect and landscape architect her practice largely designs and delivers social and affordable housing for those most in need. Complementing practice Sophie has presented at conferences and written articles on the topic and is on the Moreland Affordable Housing Committee.
Judy Line, CEO Women’s Housing Limited. Judy Line has worked in the housing and homelessness sector since 1986 and has been CEO at Women’s Housing Ltd since 2005. Since joining WHL, the agency has grown from a small transitional housing manager to a Housing Association that now provides long term social housing and specialises in building new affordable housing for women and their children.
Dr Kate Raynor, Research Fellow, The University of Melbourne. Kate is a Post-Doctoral Researcher currently involved with the University of Melbourne’s Affordable Housing Initiative. Her work is concerned with inter-sectoral partnerships, innovation and policy to generate social and affordable housing.
Justine Hadj, Business Development Manager ABD Group. Justine has held a number of roles in the construction industry including health and safety, design, project management and coordination. Justine co-founded a revolutionary built environment blog called Gazella, an independent publication to showcase women’s success stories working in the built environment.

Panel 2: Women and Homelessness

Samantha Donnelly, PhD Candidate in the XYX Lab. Samantha is researching the spatial conditions of women’s refuges and currently lectures at the University of Technology Sydney. She has worked on the design of transitional housing for refuges in practice and currently leads collaborative architecture  studios which focus on the design and reinvention of refuge accommodation.
Professor Jude McCulloch, Director Monash Family Violence Prevention Centre, Criminology, School of Social Sciences. Jude is a criminologist whose research investigates the integration of war and crime, police and the military, and security and crime control. Her recent research projects focus on crime risk, prevention and family violence.
Amanda Donohoe, CEO Servants Community Housing. Amanda has an extensive history working in the sector and has spent many years working among Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory in crisis housing, development and education roles.
Helen Matthews, Member Peer Education and Support Program at the Council to Homeless Persons. Helen’s road out of homelessness was a long and complicated one that impassioned her to make a difference. A hard-working advocate for ending homelessness, Helen works with both the CHP and the Lived Experience Advisory Group (LEAG) at Launch Housing. She is also a member of the Moreland Housing Matters Committee.

Panel 3: First Nations Women’s Spaces

Jenny Samms – Director of the Council for Homeless Persons and of the Foyer Foundation, a research fellow at Monash University, Deputy Chair of its Indigenous Advisory Council, and a member of the Minister for Housing’s Victorian Family Violence Housing Task Force. Jenny has a long career working in Government and more recently as CEO of Aboriginal Housing Victoria (AHV), where she led the organisation to achieve accreditation as a Housing Association and successfully negotiated the historic agreement with the Victorian Government to transfer ownership to AHV of the some 1450 DHHS houses that DHHS was managing. She has worked with the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service as a strategic adviser.
Nicky McNamara – Aboriginal Housing Victoria. Nicky is a Project Manager at Aboriginal Housing Victoria. She is a Landscape Architect who has been using co-design and co-construction methods to deliver projects with Aboriginal communities at both Parks Victoria and the Centre for Appropriate Technology in Alice Springs. Nicky will sit on the panel with an elder and AHV tenant.
Dr Kelly Greenop – Lecturer, School of Architecture, University of Queensland
Kelly is a senior lecturer in the School of Architecture at the University of Queensland. Her research focuses on work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people using ethnographic
techniques to document the place experiences and attachment, and the importance of architecture, place, family and country for urban Indigenous people. With colleagues from the Aboriginal Environments Research Centre (AERC) she has also conducts research into Aboriginal housing, particularly with respect to crowding and homelessness.

Further speakers to be announced.
