Friendship Speed Dating, Ladies of Leisure, Photo credit Bri Hammond.
Melbourne Design Week

Friendship Speed Dating

Sorry you missed this one!
Sun 15 Mar 20, 4pm–5pm
NGV International
Grollo Equiset Garden

We regret to advise that the program Friendship Speed Dating presented by Ladies of Leisure will unfortunately not proceed as promoted. We thank you for your understanding.

Presented by Ladies of Leisure

Meet like-minded creative people in this rapid-fire, new-pal making session designed to break down social awkwardness. It’s a chance to connect with fellow book lovers, makers, creatives and possibly even collaborate in the future!

Free booking, limited spots available.

Ladies of Leisure brings together a curated collaboration from a team of passionate, driven girls. We’re about supporting vision and creativity in its various shapes and sizes. We want LOL to excite, inspire and encourage young women who are making it happen on their own and providing insights as to how they’re doing it.

Sun 15 Mar 20, 4pm–5pm
NGV International
Grollo Equiset Garden
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