Plaque showing King Amenemhat IV offering ointment to the god Atum, Lord of Heliopolis  <br/>
Lebanon, Byblos  <br/>
12th Dynasty, reign of Amenemhat IV, about 1808–1799 BCE  <br/>
H 2.9 cm, W 3.1 cm, D 0.1 cm ​ <br/>
British Museum, London <br/>
​© The Trustees of the British Museum

Gallery Visits You Online The Art and lives of the Pharaohs

Wed 17 Jul 24, 10.45am–11.30am

Plaque showing King Amenemhat IV offering ointment to the god Atum, Lord of Heliopolis <br/> Lebanon, Byblos <br/> 12th Dynasty, reign of Amenemhat IV, about 1808–1799 BCE <br/> gold<br/> H 2.9 cm, W 3.1 cm, D 0.1 cm ​ <br/> British Museum, London <br/> EA59194<br/> ​© The Trustees of the British Museum
Past program

Free entry

This program takes place virtually

Are you interested in a visit to the National Gallery of Victoria with your community group or aged care centre but cannot physically visit? We would love to see you at our online program Gallery Visits You.

Join NGV Guides in conversation each month as they introduce highlight works from the NGV Collection and exhibitions. No prior art knowledge or experience is required.

This month we travel back in time to the world of the Pharaohs. Join us to learn about the lives and legacies of the rulers of ancient Egypt through some of the highlight works presented by the NGV in Pharoah, an exhibition of rare and original sculptures, jewellery, and hieroglyphs from the British Museum.

Online Event Instructions

Only one booking per group is required. Booked participants will receive an email prior to the event including a link to connect to the online program.

Seniors Ancient Worlds