Melbourne Design Week

Launch: Creative Measures of the Anthropocene: Art, Mobilities and Participatory Geographies

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Free entry Sun 15 Mar 20, 10am–11am
NGV International
Grollo Equiset Garden

This panel discussion with co-authors Kaya Barry and Jondi Keane will discuss the book’s investigation of how measurement grounds our ability to identify and value relationships in the world, proposing creative and collective alternatives to anthropocentric measures. Creative Measures of the Anthropocene: Art, Mobilities, and Participatory Geographies is published by Palgave Macmillian.


Pia Ednie-Brown is a Professor of Architecture at the University of Newcastle, Australia. Her writing and creative works have been published in diverse national and international contexts.

Tim Edensor is Professor of Human Geography at Manchester Metropolitan University and a Principal Research Fellow in Geography at Melbourne University. He is the author of Industrial Ruins: Space, Aesthetics and Materiality (2005) and From Light to Dark: Daylight, Illumination and Gloom (2017).

Patrick Pound is a Melbourne artist and academic. Claiming the collection as a medium, Pound collects photographs and other things as if on a dare. Thinking through those collections, he puts to the test how museums of things might be found and made to hold ideas differently.

Kaya Barry is an artist and geographer interested in materiality, mobility and migration. She is currently a University Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Griffith University, Brisbane.

Jondi Keane is an arts practitioner, critical thinker and Associate Professor at Deakin University. Over three decades he has exhibited, performed and published in the USA, UK, Europe and Australia.

Free entry Sun 15 Mar 20, 10am–11am
NGV International
Grollo Equiset Garden
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