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Fri 23 Mar 18, 11am

Liquid Form: Ancient and contemporary glass
Presented by Ian Potter Museum of Art

Ian Potter Museum of Art

Free entry

Join guest curator Christine Elias as she explores glass making techniques and design concepts including blown, cast and mold formed, core and rod created, slumping and mosaics from ancient times to now in Liquid Form: Ancient and contemporary glass. Represented in the exhibition are some of Australia’s most influential contemporary makers including Masahiro Asaka, Lisa Cahill, Mel Douglas, Judi Elliot, Ursula Halpin, Jennifer Kemarre Martiniello, Kirstie Rea, Brendan Scott French, Yusuke Takemura, Blanche Tilden, Bethany Wheeler, Richard Whiteley 

The exhibition runs until Sunday 28 October.
Tuesday to Friday 10am to 5pm
Saturday and Sunday 12 noon to 5pm

Instagram @potterunimelb

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