Melbourne Design Week

Materiality: Terracotta

Presented by Terra Home Objects

Sorry you missed this one!
Free entry Fri 13 Mar 20, 10am–4pm
Hoffman Brickworks Kiln No. 1,
99 Brickworks Dr,

Terracotta has been an integral part of the building blocks of civilization. From bricks to jewellery to offerings to food storage, Terracotta has moulded and been moulded to people’s needs for most of human history. Currently high performance and high resource materials rule our world and have relegated terracotta to the decorative, but what if we could look to the past to inform our future?

Through an exhibition and workshop, Materiality: Terracotta will explore past uses of terracotta to see if we can recreate and redesign our comfort to include more passive ways of living.

Instagram @terrahomeobjects

Free entry Fri 13 Mar 20, 10am–4pm
Hoffman Brickworks Kiln No. 1,
99 Brickworks Dr,

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