
Observations: Dress in Art & Design History Session Three: Expression Through Dress: 20th Century

Sat 26 Oct 24, 10am–12.45pm

Past program


From the Kitmir embroideries made by Russian emigrants for the House of Chanel, to the legacy of Elsa Schiaparelli and the role of fashion media in provding cultural context in the history of fashion – we consider the tastemakers and agents of change in twentieth century dress.


Nadia Albertini 

During this talk, Nadia will share her experience unearthing some major Parisian embroidery treasures of the 20th century which are now part of the NGV fashion and textiles collection. From Kitmir and Chanel in the 1920’s to Rébé and Dior in the 1950’s and 1960’s, Nadia will take us onto a fascinating quest for history, craftmanship and and stunning materials.

Nadia Albertini is an haute couture embroidery expert and PhD candidate in craft conservation at the EnsadLab in Paris. For the past twenty years, Nadia has worked for renowned brands like Chanel, Chloé, Dries van Noten and Hurel Broderies as well as the curator’s assistant at Palais Galliera, fashion museum of the city of Paris.

April Calahan

From one of the world’s oldest fashion magazines to sublime examples of fashion photography and original designer sketches, fashion historian April Calahan explores the print resources of The Pretty-Campbell Fashion Research Collection to reveal how works on paper aid research and provide the cultural context for fashion of the 19th and 20th centuries.

This is the final session in the three-part series: Observations: Dress in Art and Design History.

Book into all three Observations sessions

With a focus on the internationally respected NGV Collection of historical art, fashion and textiles, historians, writers and curators from around the world examine the movements, makers and moments that shaped and were shaped by dress across the centuries across three sessions.

The entire collection of presentations, conversations and lectures will be transcribed into a printed publication, giving audiences the opportunity to revisit the content from Observations: Dress in Art and Design History. Participants can pre-purchase a copy of the book, set to be released in March 2025, when booking.

NGV Members, students and educators enjoy discounted tickets to all Observations sessions.

Full program and speakers announced soon. Participants will have access to content for four weeks following the release date.


Observations offers an inspiring and creative professional learning opportunity for teachers of all levels and subjects. Observations meets the following AITSL standards:

• Know the content and how to teach it (2.1)
• Engage in professional learning (6.1)
• Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community (7.4)

A certificate of professional learning is available on request.

Observations: Dress in Art & Design History is generously supported by an Anonymous donor.

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