Melbourne Photobook Collective

Panel Discussion: Connection, Restriction and Making Photobooks Presented by Melbourne Photobook Collective
Centre for Contemporary Photography, Fitzroy

Sun 28 Mar 21, 1.30pm–2.30pm

Melbourne Photobook Collective
Past program

Free entry

Centre for Contemporary Photography

404 George St, Fitzroy VIC

Presented by Melbourne Photobook Collective as part of Melbourne Art Book Fair

Recently, members of the Melbourne Photobook Collective have begun noticing changes in their art practice. In this conversation we discuss how restrictions are influencing our focus, changing our patterns of connection and impacting our photobook-making activities. As our movements are constrained and our physical interactions with others are curtailed we find ourselves looking inward and backward for inspiration, making connections with archival materials as well as renewing concepts and techniques. While being forced to slow down we have time for new ideas to crystalise. And as face-to-face interactions vanish new ways of connecting with other artists and new audiences emerge.


Anne Davies is a photographic artist whose practice involves creating small, unique, handmade photobooks. 

Stuart Murdoch explores chance, time and the quotidian as he wanders around urban Melbourne looking to siphon off the unusual, the odd or the quirky. 

Mike Reed’s books explore the offbeat ideas abounding the back streets. 

William Stewart’s photography exhibits a peripatetic quality, engendered by immersing himself into the character of a region at the slow pace of walking. 

Centre for Contemporary Photography

404 George St, Fitzroy VIC