Françoise Gilot<br/>
<em>Sink and tomatoes</em> (<em>Evier et tomates</em>) May 1951<br/>
oil on plywood<br/>
91.8 × 72.8 cm<br/>
Centre Pompidou, Paris, Musée national d’art moderne-Centre de création industrielle<br/>
Purchase, 1952 (AM 3228 P)<br/>
© Françoise Gilot<br/>
Photo © Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI/Bertrand Prévost/Dist. RMN-GP

Perspectives on Picasso Discussion Series

Sat 27 Aug 22, 2.30pm

Françoise Gilot<br/> <em>Sink and tomatoes</em> (<em>Evier et tomates</em>) May 1951<br/> oil on plywood<br/> 91.8 × 72.8 cm<br/> Centre Pompidou, Paris, Musée national d’art moderne-Centre de création industrielle<br/> Purchase, 1952 (AM 3228 P)<br/> © Françoise Gilot<br/> Photo © Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI/Bertrand Prévost/Dist. RMN-GP
Past program

NGV International

Clemenger BBDO Auditorium
Ground Level

Hearing loops and accessible seating are available.

Hear a tale of two perspectives. Gather for this monthly talks series focusing on different viewpoints of select works in the exhibition, hosted by NGV specialists and guest commentators.

This program is Auslan interpreted.

Tickets are available now for each program or book the series here.


Learn about the extraordinary contribution of these artists and others in the exhibition, with perspectives from an NGV curator and an expert on ‘the female gaze’.


Meg Slater, Assistant Curator, International Exhibition Projects, NGV


Professor Lisa French is the Dean of RMIT University’s School of Media and Communication. She has track record as an educator, festival director, writer, occasional filmmaker and has a profile in the media for her writing on screen and the arts. Her most recent book is The Female Gaze in Documentary Film – An International Perspective.

Auslan Melbourne Winter Masterpieces