Melbourne Design Week

The Pub of the Future

Presented by Craig Walker: Design and Innovation

Sorry you missed this one!
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Free entry Thu 12 Mar 20, 5pm–8pm
The Old Bar,
74–76 Johnston St,

Social interaction and participation is the lifeblood of a city. In Australia, the pub, or public house, has long been a place where people could listen to music, connect to culture, as well as have a drink. In addition to high operating costs and regulatory challenges, pubs today compete with the rise of home delivery and streaming entertainment to get people in the door. Join Craig Walker to explore ways to design precincts, policies, business models and experiences to help keep pubs alive as vibrant creators of culture, street-life and social connections.

Facebook @craigwalkerstudio
Instagram @craigwalkerstudio
Twitter @crgwlkrstdio

Free entry Thu 12 Mar 20, 5pm–8pm
The Old Bar,
74–76 Johnston St,

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