Melbourne Design Week

Think Tank: Welcome to Public Space

Presented By Australian Centre For Contemporary Art

Sorry you missed this one!
Free entry Wed 18 Mar 20, 6pm–8pm

In a lively roundtable, key thinkers in the fields of public culture, art and design discuss these provocations: What is public space? And what does it mean to be afraid of it?

This is the first of five Think Tanks ACCA is presenting over 2020, critically addressing contemporary art as it intersects with shifts in cultural practices, urban architecture, technology, and a wide range of communities, as well as considering the role of the public institution more broadly.

Think Tank contributors include Dr Marnie Badham, Max Delany, Eugenia Lim, Annika Kristensen, Grace McQuilten, Professor Nikos Papastergiadis and Nur Shkembi.

Instagram @acca_melbourne
Twitter @ACCA_melbourne

Free entry Wed 18 Mar 20, 6pm–8pm

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