Photo © Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI/Philippe Migeat/Dist. RMN-GP

Wednesday Work of the Week: The city no.2

Wed 17 Aug 22, 9.15am–9.30am

<br/> Photo © Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI/Philippe Migeat/Dist. RMN-GP
Past program

Free entry

This program takes place virtually

Levels 3-8

Each Wednesday morning from Week 4, Term 3, join an NGV Educator live from The Picasso Century for a short and lively introduction to a work from the exhibition. To have your questions answered about the Wednesday Work of the Week send them in advance to education.bookings@ngv.vic.gov.au

A program recording will also be available to access online for booked participants for one week.

The city no. 2

Can you recognise the city that French artist Robert Delaunay has depicted in his artwork The city no. 2? It’s a challenge to spot the iconic landmarks hidden in the painting’s jumble of flat planes and sharp angles. Why did Delaunay paint a cityscape this way? Tune in this Wednesday to learn about how big social and technological changes in the early 20th century inspired artists like Robert Delaunay to find new ways to visualise the world around them

Duration: 15 mins

Cost: Free

Learning objectives

  • Identify and describe the visual characteristics of The city no. 2
  • Analyse and interpret the ideas and messages communicated in the artwork
  • Evaluate the influence of new technologies in the development of the Cubist movement
Learn Primary Virtual

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