Darren Gill

Yidaki and Dance Performance by Amos Roach & The Murrundaya Yepengna Dance Troupe

Sat 13 Jul 24, 1pm–1.30pm

Darren Gill
Past program

Free entry

The Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia, Fed Square

Exhibition space
Ground Level

Emersed amongst artworks from Wurrdha Marra, join us inside the exhibition for a performance of Kulin songs and dance choregraphed by Amos Roach and performed by The Murrundaya Yepengna Dance Troupe.

Amos Roach

Amos Roach is a proud Ngarrandjerri/Djab Wurrung/Gunditj Mara man. His music presents a narrative of healing, told with song and dance. Amos’s voice travels between the Desert, the Riverland and the Saltwater to the city like smoke from a fire. Amos is a cultural practitioner. Traditional First Nations culture informs the fundamentals of his craft. His music is part of the song-line that connects people and Country. His dances reconnect country to culture.

Murrundaya Yepengna Dance Troup

Amos Roach is the Director and Choreographer of the Murrundaya Yepengna Dance Troup, a new group of contemporary and traditional dancers.


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