ROMANCE WAS BORN, Sydney (fashion house)<br />
 Luke SALES (designer)<br />
 Anna PLUNKETT (designer)<br/>
<em>Crazy crochet dress, Del eye print leggings and crochet rooster beanie</em> 2008 {Garden of Eden collection 2008} <!-- (front view) --><br />

wool, cotton, plastic, metal<br />
(a) 75.0 cm (centre back) 38.5 cm (waist, flat) (dress) (b) 102.0 cm (outer leg) 32.0 cm (waist, flat) (leggings) (c) 45.5 cm (circumference, outer) 35.0 cm (height) 29.0 cm (width) (beanie)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased, Victorian Foundation for Living Australian Artists, 2009<br />
2009.192.a-c<br />
© Romance Was Born

Romance Was Born Crazy crochet dress, Del eye print leggings and crochet rooster beanie

ROMANCE WAS BORN, Sydney (fashion house)
 Luke SALES (designer)

Embracing craft and textile techniques such as appliqué, crochet and tie-dye in their practice, Sydney fashion house Romance Was Born have built a repertoire of dynamic, playful and engaging work that pays little heed to convention. Outfits in their early 2008 Garden of Eden collection featured printed textiles inspired by the work of artist Del Kathryn Barton, and were exhibited alongside her work at Kaliman Gallery, Sydney. This outfit was created for that collection and typifies the idiosyncratic, complex and frequently spectacular one-off works that regularly feature in their work.

Check out more works from Romance Was Born in  Express Yourself: Romance Was Born for Kids, now showing at NGV International.