Salvador Dalí<br/>
<em>Invisible sleeping woman, horse, lion (Dormeuse, cheval, lion invisibles)</em> 1930<br/>
oil on canvas<br/>
50.2 × 65.2 cm<br/>
Centre Pompidou, Paris,Musée national d’art moderne-Centre de création industrielle<br/>
Gift of the Association Bourdon, 1993 (AM 1993-26)<br/>
© Salvador Dalí, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dali/VEGAP. Copyright<br/>
Agency, 2022. <br/>
Photo: © Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI/Philippe Migeat/Dist. RMN-GP<br/>
© Salvador Dalí, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dali/VEGAP. Copyright Agency, 2022<br/>
Photo © Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI/Philippe Migeat/Dist. RMN-GP

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