John OLSEN<br/>
<em>Portrait of Brett Whiteley</em> 1979 <!-- (recto) --><br />

colour lithograph<br />
65.5 x 50.0 cm irreg. (image) 66.0 x 50.5 cm (sheet)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Gift of Mr Fred Genis, 1985<br />
P24-1985<br />
© John Olsen/Licensed by Copyright Agency, Australia

Bad hair day
Explore the art elements

Levels 3-6

Find out how Australian artists Laith McGregor and John Olsen use line to create patterns and textures, then experiment with line and draw your own portrait of a bad (or good) hair day.

Learning objectives

  • Identify different ways artists use line, pattern and texture to communicate ideas, emotions or identity
  • Describe how line can be used in a variety of ways to create artworks including portraits
  • Experiment with line, pattern, texture and making techniques
  • Follow an art making process to create a multi-media portrait
