Pablo PICASSO<br/>
<em>Weeping woman</em> (1937) <!-- (recto) --><br />

oil on canvas<br />
55.2 x 46.2 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased by donors of The Art Foundation of Victoria, with the assistance of the Jack and Genia Liberman family, Founder Benefactor, 1986<br />
IC1-1986<br />
© Sucession Picasso/Copyright Agency

Cubist construction
Explore the art elements

Levels 3-6

Explore shape and colour through the works of Pablo Picasso and Grace Crowley, then get creative and construct your own Cubism-inspired sculptural portrait.

Learning objectives

  • Analyse the different ways artists use shape and colour to communicate ideas or feelings
  • Describe how geometric shapes are used to depict objects and people in Cubist works
  • Identify viewpoints in artworks, including profile and frontal views in portraits
  • Create a three dimensional portrait sculpture which uses shape and colour to express an emotion
