Joseph CSÁKY<br/>
<em>Abstract sculpture</em> (1919); 1973 {cast} <!-- (front 3/4 right) --><br />

bronze<br />
89.5 x 31.2 x 24.1 cm<br />
ed. 3/6<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Felton Bequest, 1973<br />
EA2-1973<br />
© Joseph Csáky/ADAGP. Licensed by Copyright Agency, Australia

Get handy with form
Explore the art elements

Levels P-3

An introduction to form. Explore three-dimensional geometric and biomorphic shapes in sculpture, then experiment with plasticine to create your own 3D shapes to assemble abstract sculptures.

Learning objectives

  • Define the term ‘form’
  • Differentiate between ‘geometric’ and ‘biomorphic’ 3D shapes
  • Identify different ways artists have used 3D shapes in creating abstract sculptures
  • Apply and practise modelling techniques to create geometric and/or biomorphic shapes to create a makeshift sculptural piece