Haji Abdullah WAKIL ZADHAH and family<br/>
<em>Standing cheetah and partridges, Afghan hunting cloth</em> (c. 1970) <!-- (recto) --><br />
<em>(Chireh)</em><br />
Indian ink and coloured inks on cotton<br />
113.0 x 86.0 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Gift of Leigh and Alexandra Copeland, 2018<br />
2018.1287<br />
© Haji Abdullah WAKIL ZADHAH and family

Leaping lines
Explore the art elements

Levels 3-6

Draw an animal with lines that leap off the page inspired by the bold use of line in Haji Abdullah Wakil Zadhah and his family’s storyteller chirehs.

Learning objectives

  • Identify how artists use different types of line to create effect
  • Experiment with the effects of variation in line width and density
  • Create a bold, linear animal drawing
