
Watch: Work of the Week

Take a deep dive into Tomoaki Suzuki’s Triennial 2021 project with an NGV Educator.


  1. Project Zero, ‘Project Zero’s Thinking Routine Toolbox’, Project Zero, 2019, Harvard Graduate School of Education, <http://www.pz.harvard.edu/thinking-routines>, accessed 23 November 2020.
  2. Carnovsky, ‘RGB Lens’, Carnovsky, 2020, <https://www.carnovsky.com/Lens_App.htm>, accessed 23 November 2020.
  3. Fallen Fruit, ‘About’, Fallen Fruit, 2020, <http://fallenfruit.org/about/>, accessed 23 November 2020.
  4. Read more about the Great Hall Ceiling: Only Melbourne, ‘NGV Great Hall & Waterwall’, OnlyMelbourne, 2020, <https://www.onlymelbourne.com.au/ngv-great-hall>, accessed 4 December 2020.
  5. Eric David, ‘Artist Stuart Haygarth elevates the prosaic to the sublime’, Yatzer, 1 April 2019, <https://www.yatzer.com/stuart-haygarth>, accessed 23 November 2020.