NGV Triennial 2020 installation view of TROMARAMA, Bandung (art collective); Febie Babyrose (artist); Herbert Hans Maruli (artist); Ruddy Alexander Hatumena (artist) <em>Solaris</em> 2020. Commissioned by the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne. Proposed acquisition with funds donated by David Parncutt and Robin Campbell Family Foundation, 2020 <br/>
Photo: Tom Ross<br/>
© Courtesy of the artist and Edouard Malingue Gallery

Teacher support material

Week 1: Introduction to the program

In the virtual briefing for teachers, you will get acquainted with the AEF team and NGV educators and get a more detailed overview of the program structure as well as have the chance to ask questions and discuss initial ideas. We will provide an overview of some of the key works in the Triennial, including Solaris by Tromarama, introduce some practical strategies for looking at the works, and consider ways in which these works might inspire a collaborative project in your school.

Week 5 & 6: Creating and Documenting

As you create your artwork, don’t forget to document the stages of the process by filming and photographing various stages. Your final product may be shared by the school community or you may wish to organise a classroom visit with other classes in your school.

Your documentation should be a short film of approximately 3 minutes in length and should include the following:

  • A description of your environmental phenomenon or chosen issue
  • Explanation for your choice of medium and materials
  • Intended effect on your audience
  • An explanation of the process of making your artwork
  • An evaluation – what was challenging or rewarding?
  • Learnings – what did you learn during the making of the project?

Week 8: Final Project Celebration

The submitted videos will be edited and pieced together to form a short documentary of the project, which will be streamed live via a YouTube premiere on 31 March 2021 (Time tbc).


  1. View a complete list of Bridge partner schools in Victoria
  2. Read more about mental map