Marie Victoire LEMOINE<br/>
<em>A young woman leaning on the edge of a window</em> (c. 1798-1799) <!-- (recto) --><br />
<em>(Une jeune femme appuyée sur le bord d’une croisée)</em><br />
oil on canvas<br />
(195.6 x 137.5 cm)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Gift of Krystyna Campbell-Pretty AM and Family through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Program, 2022<br />
2022.1527<br />


NGVWA presents: Liberty, Rebellion and High Stakes Fashion – A French Lunch

Tue 30 May 2023, 11.30am
Garden Restaurant, NGV International, 180 St Kilda Road, Melbourne

Inspired by the gift of Krystyna Campbell-Pretty AM & Family to the NGV Collection.

Depicting a self-assured young woman, one of Les MerveilleusesThe Marvellous Women“, this painting captures the high-spirited freedom that followed the final fall of the French Guillotine and the end of The Reign of Terror. With their alluring dresses, sexualised high-jinks and educated outlook, Les Merveilleuses delighted and scandalised French Society in the dying years of the 18th century.

Dr. Ted Gott, Senior Curator of International Art, NGV, presents the exciting story of its acqusition and the hidden themes behind a painting that may not be what it seems to the 21st century gaze.

A three-course long-table lunch was prepared by Richard Hobdell, Head Chef, Restaurant Associates, with musical accompaniment by the Hyacinth Quartet (ANAM) sponsored by Libby Callinan.

This is an NGVWA fundraising event. All proceeds support art acquisition at the NGV.

To receive emails about NGVWA events subscribe here

NGVWA Raffle

Results of the NGVWA Raffle, drawn Tuesday 30 May, 2pm at the Garden Restaurant, National Gallery of Victoria:

First Prize: Christine on Collins Gift Certificate was won by Penelope Scott
Second Prize: Bill Henson NGV 50th Anniversary Print was won by Helen Myall
Third Prize: Winning Appliances Gift Certificate was won by Countess Rosie Stradbroke
Fourth Prize: NGV Exhibition Catalogue and tickets was won by Gina Dafalia
Fifth Prize: NGV Duo Membership was won by Carmel Rigano

The NGVWA thanks all sponsors for donating the prizes: Christine on Collins, NGV Design Store, Winning Appliances and NGV, and all the people who bought tickets for the raffle. All proceeds support art acquisition at the NGV.


Kay & Burton Winning Appliances Yering Station

Kay & Burton Winning Appliances Yering Station