Telepathy Project<br/>
Australia est. 2005<br/>
Sean Peoples<br/>
born Australia 1986<br/>
Veronica Kent<br/>
born Australia 1970<br/>
<em>Dreaming the collection</em> 2013<br/>
Collection of the artists<br/>
Photo: Christian Markel<br/>
© courtesy the artists

The Telepathy Project at White Night 2014

Telepathy Project
Australia est. 2005

The final part of our Melbourne Now project “Dreaming the Collection” will occur during White Night 2014 and you are invited to send us your dreams and to join us for a dusk-till-dawn dream recital from 7pm to 7am on the 22nd of February 2014, gallery 20, Level 3 NGV Australia.

The first part of our project for Melbourne Now saw us working with a selection of paintings and prints from the NGV Collection that featured images of people sleeping. We attempted to divine what each figure was dreaming about and then had the characters from the works “come alive” and perform their dreams in a video that you can view in gallery 20, Level 3 NGV Australia.

We were also keen to open our project up to include not just the dreams of those sleeping figures from the collection but also our audience’s dreams.

Specially commissioned postcards have been available next to our work (and from the front desk at the NGVA) since the show opened and so far hundreds of visitor’s have taken the postcard home, placed it under their pillow as instructed and dreamt on it all night and written down their dreams upon waking. These dreams are now flowing back to the NGV (we wonder if the postie and people in the mail room are reading them?)

We are intrigued to find out what Melbourne has been dreaming over the last few months and we will be reading out every dream mailed back to the NGV in an all night dream recital from 7pm to 7am on the 22nd of February 2014.

So at some point during the epic White Night join us in front of our work for a dreamy break and find out what Melbourne is dreaming about and remember that you still have a few more weeks to pick up your postcard and get your dreams back to us for inclusion on the night.

Dream on Melbourne.

Veronica and Sean (The telepathy Project)