Clare Jakes has shown a personal and comprehensively defined, highly detailed and articulate exploration proposal and plan that demonstrates how the individual design process will be developed.
Use of an exploration proposal to define the development of an individual design process that includes a plan of how the proposal will be undertaken
Clare Jakes has shown a personal and comprehensively defined, highly detailed and articulate exploration proposal and plan that demonstrates how the individual design process will be developed.
Use of an exploration proposal to define the development of an individual design process that includes a plan of how the proposal will be undertaken
Clare Jakes has shown a personal and comprehensively defined, highly detailed and articulate exploration proposal and plan that demonstrates how the individual design process will be developed.
Jakes has developed perceptive and thoughtful discussion of conceptual possibilities relevant to the subject matter and art forms and a range of related ideas to be investigated. She uses highly sophisticated art language and provides comprehensive explanation of the aesthetic qualities to be explored and developed in relation to the ideas.
Jakes has developed perceptive and thoughtful discussion of conceptual possibilities relevant to the subject matter and art forms and a range of related ideas to be investigated. She uses highly sophisticated art language and provides comprehensive explanation of the aesthetic qualities to be explored and developed in relation to the ideas.
Exploration and development of subject matter and ideas within the design process that are related to concepts and ideas described in the exploration proposal
Jakes has demonstrated highly creative and insightful approaches in the exploration and development of a range of ideas and conceptual possibilities throughout her design process.
Exploration and development of aesthetic qualities in the design process relevant to the ideas described in the exploration proposal
Consistent, creative and individual exploration and development of aesthetic qualities in her personal imagery demonstrates an extensive investigation throughout the design process. Jakes’ imagery is progressively developed and refined to effectively communicate ideas described in the exploration proposal.
Jakes presents highly comprehensive written material that demonstrates confident use of art language and terminology.
Exploration of materials and development of techniques and processes within the design process relevant to the art form(s) and ideas described in the exploration proposal
Jakes provides extensive and thoughtful exploration, comprehensive documentation of a range of materials and development of techniques appropriate to the selected art form/s that she has articulated in the exploration proposal.
Evaluation of exploratory and developmental work throughout the design process
Clare Jakes has completed comprehensive and highly informative annotation, documenting processes of analysis, evaluation and the refinement of ideas, aesthetics and techniques throughout the design process.
There is strong evidence of consolidation of her thought processes showing accomplished use of art language that signals directions for development of artwork.
Selected use of potential directions in producing finished artworks
Clare Jakes shows highly effective presentation of potential directions appropriate to the selected art form(s) of the finished artworks.
The comprehensive evidence of the use of the potential directions has formed the basis for the development of the folio of finished artworks.
Communication and resolution of ideas presented in cohesive finished artworks
Jakes provides evidence of highly creative and innovative realisation of the communication of individual ideas in finished artworks.
Her resolution of ideas makes a very strong connection between the artworks. This is evident in the highly individual subject matter.
Application of materials and skills in the use of techniques and processes relevant to the finished artworks
Jakes shows a comprehensive understanding of consistent and highly skilful application of materials, techniques and processes in the art works, which is evident in her strong resolution of ideas and aesthetic qualities.
Jakes demonstrates a thorough understanding of and sensitivity to the inherent characteristics of materials, techniques and processes.
Her art works demonstrate highly skilful and appropriate use of relevant materials, techniques, processes and her methods of presentation demonstrate an insightful understanding of the selected art form(s).
: Documentation that clarifies the focus of the folio evaluates the use of potential directions in the finished artworks and reflects on the cohesive folio
Jakes’ presentation of visual and written documentation includes a comprehensive description and discussion of the subject matter and focus of the folio which provides comprehensive and informative discussion of refinement or refocusing undertaken when producing finished artworks for her cohesive folio.
There is thorough and informative evaluation using art language of how the finished artworks reflect her potential directions.
Clear and comprehensive evaluation using art language of how finished artworks were produced and presented and how relationships between them were established is evident.
Her folio shows comprehensive and informative explanation using art language, of how materials and techniques and aesthetic qualities to communicate and/or resolve ideas, have been applied to her artworks. Highly reflective discussion using art language on how ideas have been communicated, resolved and realised in all of the finished artworks is evident.
: Documentation that clarifies the focus of the folio evaluates the use of potential directions in the finished artworks and reflects on the cohesive folio
Jakes’ presentation of visual and written documentation includes a comprehensive description and discussion of the subject matter and focus of the folio which provides comprehensive and informative discussion of refinement or refocusing undertaken when producing finished artworks for her cohesive folio.
There is thorough and informative evaluation using art language of how the finished artworks reflect her potential directions.
Clear and comprehensive evaluation using art language of how finished artworks were produced and presented and how relationships between them were established is evident.
Her folio shows comprehensive and informative explanation using art language, of how materials and techniques and aesthetic qualities to communicate and/or resolve ideas, have been applied to her artworks. Highly reflective discussion using art language on how ideas have been communicated, resolved and realised in all of the finished artworks is evident.
Resolution of aesthetic qualities in the artworks that realises and communicates the student’s ideas
Jakes shows how highly effective use of aesthetic qualities provides strong support for the successful communication of ideas in her artworks.
She demonstrates understanding of how the application of art elements contributes towards the development and resolution of aesthetic qualities throughout the folio.
Jakes clearly demonstrates how aesthetic qualities in the finished artworks contribute towards a highly creative and innovative interpretation of subject matter.
Cohesive relationship between finished artworks
Jakes shows strong cohesive relationships between the artworks, illustrating consistency in related concepts. Each artwork contributes to the development of the highly cohesive body of artworks.
Her finished artworks are very clearly connected through the highly effective depiction of subject matter, the use of strong and consistent aesthetic qualities, and applications of materials and techniques.