Top Arts 2017

Folio: Lana Erneste – VCE Art

ART – SAT Outcome 2 – Criterion 1 –

Exploration and experimentation of personal responses, ideas and concepts throughout artistic practice

Lana’s exploration of personal responses and ideas focuses on the individual and the notion of soul. Using mind maps, brainstorms and thumbnail sketches she begins to develop a conceptual and practical investigation.  Here we see a focused exploration of personal ideas that continues throughout her body of work providing evidence of the exploration of concepts, skills and directions.

ART – SAT Outcome 2 – Criterion 1 –

Exploration and experimentation of personal responses, ideas and concepts throughout artistic practice

Lana’s exploration of personal responses and ideas focuses on the individual and the notion of soul. Using mind maps, brainstorms and thumbnail sketches she begins to develop a conceptual and practical investigation.  Here we see a focused exploration of personal ideas that continues throughout her body of work providing evidence of the exploration of concepts, skills and directions.

ART – SAT Outcome 2 – Criterion 2 –

Experimentation and exploration with materials, techniques, processes and art forms, relevant to personal ideas and concepts, throughout the art process

Throughout her art process Lana experiments with, explores and applies a range of materials, techniques and processes relevant to her personal ideas and concepts. Lana is beginning to experiment with materials and techniques here. Working with clay she is exploring the medium and relating it to her personal ideas and concepts.

ART – SAT Outcome 2 – Criterion 2 –

Lana experiments with various forms, techniques and processes. She is exploring how to effectively communicate her ideas and concepts. Her small experimental pieces indicate consistent and effective skill in the handling of her chosen medium.

ART – SAT Outcome 2 – Criterion 3 –

Use of Analytical Frameworks that reflects the exploration and development of art works through artistic practice

Throughout her visual diary Lana has employed a key system of labelling her annotations. She has consistently provided evidence of having a very high level of understanding of art language. She successfully employs the analytical Frameworks to reflect on her thinking and working practices. The Analytical Frameworks selected are relevant to her intentions and her annotation makes reference to her initial ideas and concepts through her development towards her final artworks.

ART – SAT Outcome 2 – Criterion 3 –

Here the Analytical Frameworks are being used in the development of concept and direction. The language of the Analytical Frameworks is clear and relevant to Lana’s intentions. You can see that Lana has visibly labelled the annotation with selected frameworks using a key.

ART – SAT Outcome 2 – Criterion 4 –

Use of visual language and manipulation of materials, techniques and processes to develop artworks relevant to the student intentions

Lana is using thumbnail sketches to develop and refine her visual language. Her annotation, using the Analytical Frameworks, and her effective use of materials and techniques demonstrate a high level of understanding in the development of her art works.

ART – SAT Outcome 2 – Criterion 4 –

Throughout her body of work Lana trials and selects visual language that best represents her conceptual directions. Her visual diary shows a sophisticated and consistent use of visual language and the successful application of materials, techniques and processes.

ART – SAT Outcome 2 – Criterion 5 –

Resolution of personal ideas and intentions and refinement of the use of materials, techniques and processes relevant to selected art forms and a finished artwork

Here we see Lana’s finished piece/s for Unit 3. She has resolved her initial exploration and refined her materials, techniques and process to create a finished artwork. The artwork illustrates the skilful handling of her selected materials. Her visual diary and annotation support the refinement towards a resolved piece using the language of the Analytical Frameworks.

ART – SAT Outcome 2 – Criterion 6 –

Exploration, investigation and experimentation of materials, techniques and processes relevant to personal concepts and ideas in selected art form/s

Moving into Unit 4 Lana continues the sustained exploration and investigation of her ideas related to the initial concepts from Unit 3. She continues to show confidence with her exploration of ceramics and we can establish a clear progression in her skill in the handling of materials and her approach to varying techniques.

ART – SAT Outcome 2 – Criterion 7 –

Use of visual language and artistic practice to refine and realise concepts in at least two finished artworks

Lana continues to refine her visual language throughout her exploration through to the finished works. Her visual diary shows evidence of decision making based around the most effective visual language to realise her personal direction. She uses thumbnail sketches and photographs to help her understand the application and refinement of art elements and principles. Her annotation supports her thinking and working practices.

ART – SAT Outcome 2 – Criterion 8 –

Manipulation of visual language and technical qualities to develop, refine and resolve personal ideas and visual imagery in at least two finished artworks

The folio continues to show clear evidence of highly innovative manipulation and application of the selected mediums. Lana is making decisions to resolve the visual imagery in her final artworks. She creates and draws upon precise links between her concepts and the creation of her three dimensional artworks. She uses the Analytical Frameworks to help support her decision making process and communicate her thinking and working practices.

ART – SAT Outcome 2 – Criterion 9 –

Resolution of ideas and personal concepts in the body of work

Lana has reached the resolution of her initial ideas and personal concepts. She has created several finished pieces including an installation seen in this image. Her finished artworks demonstrate insightful art practice supported by her visual diary.

ART – SAT Outcome 2 – Criterion 9 –

Lana’s finished artworks are effective and innovative. Throughout her visual diary she has resolved the compositions and aesthetics presented. Her written annotation shows sophistication, drawing clear links between initial explorations and final works. The works exhibited demonstrate a high level of control and technical skill.

ART – SAT Outcome 2 – Criterion 9 –

Lana’s finished artworks are effective and innovative. Throughout her visual diary she has resolved the compositions and aesthetics presented. Her written annotation shows sophistication, drawing clear links between initial explorations and final works. The works exhibited demonstrate a high level of control and technical skill.

ART – SAT Outcome 2 – Criterion 10 –

Use of the Analytical Frameworks throughout artistic practice, in reflective and evaluative annotations throughout the art process

Throughout the art process Lana demonstrates a very high level of understanding of art terminology. Her reflective annotation is insightful and sophisticated. She consistently documents her process and thinking in a critical manner and applies the Analytical Frameworks throughout.

ART – SAT Outcome 2 – Criterion 10 –

Lana’s thinking and working practices indicate a highly effective understanding of the Analytical Frameworks. She is reflective and evaluates the effectiveness of her work as she progress throughout the art process.