Top Arts 2018

Folio: Jessica Sexton – VCE Studio Arts

Unit 3 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 1 –

Preparation of an exploration proposal and work plan that formulates the content and parameters of an individual studio process.

In Jessica’s visual diary there is extensive brainstorming about the conceptual possibilities, use of materials and techniques, subject matter and artistic influences.

Jessica uses her own photographs as a starting point for research about Tibetan Prayer Flags. This is then used to develop an exploration using acrylic paint, clearly stated in an aim at the top of the page. This is then carefully documented using written and visual information.

The annotations provide evidence of critical and creative thinking about the studio process.

Unit 3 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 1 –

Preparation of an exploration proposal and work plan that formulates the content and parameters of an individual studio process.

In Jessica’s visual diary there is extensive brainstorming about the conceptual possibilities, use of materials and techniques, subject matter and artistic influences.

Jessica uses her own photographs as a starting point for research about Tibetan Prayer Flags. This is then used to develop an exploration using acrylic paint, clearly stated in an aim at the top of the page. This is then carefully documented using written and visual information.

The annotations provide evidence of critical and creative thinking about the studio process.

Unit 3 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 1 –

Preparation of an exploration proposal and work plan that formulates the content and parameters of an individual studio process.

In Jessica’s visual diary there is extensive brainstorming about the conceptual possibilities, use of materials and techniques, subject matter and artistic influences.

Jessica uses her own photographs as a starting point for research about Tibetan Prayer Flags. This is then used to develop an exploration using acrylic paint, clearly stated in an aim at the top of the page. This is then carefully documented using written and visual information.

The annotations provide evidence of critical and creative thinking about the studio process.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 2 –

Interpretation of and response to sources of inspiration to explore and develop ideas, techniques and processes throughout the studio process.

Jessica has provided highly informative, detailed and carefully documented investigation of sources of inspiration and very clear documentation of personal imagery and its exploration in a visual diary. In the exploration of the symbolic nature of prayer flags, Jessica has organised her source images and paintings according to earth, sky, wind, fire and water.

Jessica provides detailed and relevant citations, comprehensive and insightful interpretation and response to a wide range of sources of inspiration that lead to extensive exploration and development of ideas, techniques and processes throughout the studio process.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 2 –

Interpretation of and response to sources of inspiration to explore and develop ideas, techniques and processes throughout the studio process.

Jessica has provided highly informative, detailed and carefully documented investigation of sources of inspiration and very clear documentation of personal imagery and its exploration in a visual diary. In the exploration of the symbolic nature of prayer flags, Jessica has organised her source images and paintings according to earth, sky, wind, fire and water.

Jessica provides detailed and relevant citations, comprehensive and insightful interpretation and response to a wide range of sources of inspiration that lead to extensive exploration and development of ideas, techniques and processes throughout the studio process.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 3 –

Development of individual and personal subject matter, conceptual possibilities and aesthetic qualities in the studio process as discussed in the exploration proposal.

Jessica provides highly creative and insightful approaches in the sequential development of a range of aesthetic and conceptual ideas and subject matter comprehensively documented in a visual diary.

Jessica provides comprehensive and thoughtful exploration that progressively develops individual and personal ideas and subject matter to develop a potential direction.

The studio process comprehensively demonstrates the progressive development of personal imagery as described in the exploration proposal.

Progressive development of aesthetic and conceptual ideas that have a very strong relationship to the exploration proposal.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 3 –

Development of individual and personal subject matter, conceptual possibilities and aesthetic qualities in the studio process as discussed in the exploration proposal.

Jessica provides highly creative and insightful approaches in the sequential development of a range of aesthetic and conceptual ideas and subject matter comprehensively documented in a visual diary.

Jessica provides comprehensive and thoughtful exploration that progressively develops individual and personal ideas and subject matter to develop a potential direction.

The studio process comprehensively demonstrates the progressive development of personal imagery as described in the exploration proposal.

Progressive development of aesthetic and conceptual ideas that have a very strong relationship to the exploration proposal.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 4 –

Exploration of art elements and art principles, materials and techniques to communicate individual ideas and demonstrate aesthetic qualities.

Jessica’s visual diary shows consistently creative exploration and development of the use of materials, techniques and aesthetic qualities relevant to the individual ideas is demonstrated in an extensive investigation throughout the studio process.

Jessica’s effective use of visual language and written documentation helps to demonstrate how a range of art elements and art principles communicate the aesthetic qualities related to ideas and subject matter.

Jessica’s explorations demonstrate consistent and progressive development of a very high level of skill in the use of materials and techniques. Her studio process shows sensitivity to and awareness and understanding of particular aesthetic qualities and characteristics of materials.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 4 –

Exploration of art elements and art principles, materials and techniques to communicate individual ideas and demonstrate aesthetic qualities.

Jessica’s visual diary shows consistently creative exploration and development of the use of materials, techniques and aesthetic qualities relevant to the individual ideas is demonstrated in an extensive investigation throughout the studio process.

Jessica’s effective use of visual language and written documentation helps to demonstrate how a range of art elements and art principles communicate the aesthetic qualities related to ideas and subject matter.

Jessica’s explorations demonstrate consistent and progressive development of a very high level of skill in the use of materials and techniques. Her studio process shows sensitivity to and awareness and understanding of particular aesthetic qualities and characteristics of materials.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 5 –

Documentation of exploratory and developmental work, including the clarification of ideas through the development, identification and evaluation of potential directions.

Jessica visual diary provides comprehensive and highly informative annotations to document the identification, analysis and evaluation of the use of aesthetic qualities and techniques throughout the studio process.

There is comprehensive development and very clear identification of a range of potential directions that provide substantial written and visual material on which future artworks will be developed and refined.

Jessica’s potential directions are carefully evaluated both visually and in writing, and demonstrate effective, creative and innovative approaches in the communication of concepts and ideas expressed in the exploration proposal.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 5 –

Documentation of exploratory and developmental work, including the clarification of ideas through the development, identification and evaluation of potential directions.

Jessica visual diary provides comprehensive and highly informative annotations to document the identification, analysis and evaluation of the use of aesthetic qualities and techniques throughout the studio process.

There is comprehensive development and very clear identification of a range of potential directions that provide substantial written and visual material on which future artworks will be developed and refined.

Jessica’s potential directions are carefully evaluated both visually and in writing, and demonstrate effective, creative and innovative approaches in the communication of concepts and ideas expressed in the exploration proposal.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 5 –

Documentation of exploratory and developmental work, including the clarification of ideas through the development, identification and evaluation of potential directions.

Jessica visual diary provides comprehensive and highly informative annotations to document the identification, analysis and evaluation of the use of aesthetic qualities and techniques throughout the studio process.

There is comprehensive development and very clear identification of a range of potential directions that provide substantial written and visual material on which future artworks will be developed and refined.

Jessica’s potential directions are carefully evaluated both visually and in writing, and demonstrate effective, creative and innovative approaches in the communication of concepts and ideas expressed in the exploration proposal.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 5 –

Documentation of exploratory and developmental work, including the clarification of ideas through the development, identification and evaluation of potential directions.

Jessica visual diary provides comprehensive and highly informative annotations to document the identification, analysis and evaluation of the use of aesthetic qualities and techniques throughout the studio process.

There is comprehensive development and very clear identification of a range of potential directions that provide substantial written and visual material on which future artworks will be developed and refined.

Jessica’s potential directions are carefully evaluated both visually and in writing, and demonstrate effective, creative and innovative approaches in the communication of concepts and ideas expressed in the exploration proposal.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 5 –

Documentation of exploratory and developmental work, including the clarification of ideas through the development, identification and evaluation of potential directions.

Jessica visual diary provides comprehensive and highly informative annotations to document the identification, analysis and evaluation of the use of aesthetic qualities and techniques throughout the studio process.

There is comprehensive development and very clear identification of a range of potential directions that provide substantial written and visual material on which future artworks will be developed and refined.

Jessica’s potential directions are carefully evaluated both visually and in writing, and demonstrate effective, creative and innovative approaches in the communication of concepts and ideas expressed in the exploration proposal.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 5 –

Documentation of exploratory and developmental work, including the clarification of ideas through the development, identification and evaluation of potential directions.

Jessica visual diary provides comprehensive and highly informative annotations to document the identification, analysis and evaluation of the use of aesthetic qualities and techniques throughout the studio process.

There is comprehensive development and very clear identification of a range of potential directions that provide substantial written and visual material on which future artworks will be developed and refined.

Jessica’s potential directions are carefully evaluated both visually and in writing, and demonstrate effective, creative and innovative approaches in the communication of concepts and ideas expressed in the exploration proposal.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 6 –

Use of selected and evaluated potential directions in the development and refinement of artworks.

Jessica provides comprehensive evidence of the use of the potential directions as the basis for the development of finished artworks. There is very strong evidence of the creative and comprehensive development and resolution of ideas and subject matter from the potential directions in the finished artworks.

There is comprehensive refinement and application of art elements and principles, materials and techniques from the potential directions evident in the finished artworks.

There is comprehensive evidence of the development and refinement of potential directions that very clearly realise and communicate the student’s ideas expressed in the exploration proposal and the finished artworks.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 7 –

Application of materials and techniques appropriate to the selected art forms and utilise their inherent characteristics.

Jessica provides visual and written information about the creation of her artworks for authentication purposes.

There is consistent and highly skilful application of materials and techniques in the development, refinement and presentation of finished artworks that supports the strong resolution of ideas and aesthetic qualities.

Jessica demonstrates a thorough understanding of and sensitivity to the inherent characteristics and application of materials and techniques in selected art forms throughout the studio process.

There is a highly skilful and appropriate use of relevant materials, techniques and methods of presentation demonstrates an insightful understanding of the selected art forms.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 8 –

Demonstration and resolution of aesthetic qualities in relation to the communication and realisation of ideas in finished artworks.

There are strong cohesive relationships between the finished artworks, illustrating consistency in related concepts. Each artwork contributes to the development and presentation of highly cohesive artworks.

The finished artworks are very clearly connected through the highly effective depiction of subject matter, the use of strong and consistent aesthetic qualities, and the application of materials and techniques.

The finished artworks are highly sophisticated in their presentation to insightfully communicate cohesive ideas.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 9 –

Demonstration of the cohesive relationship between at least two finished artworks and their methods of presentation.

There are strong cohesive relationships between the finished artworks, illustrating consistency in related concepts. Each artwork contributes to the development and presentation of highly cohesive artworks.

The finished artworks are very clearly connected through the highly effective depiction of subject matter, the use of strong and consistent aesthetic qualities, and the application of materials and techniques.

The finished artworks are highly sophisticated in their presentation to insightfully communicate cohesive ideas.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 7 –

Application of materials and techniques appropriate to the selected art forms and utilise their inherent characteristics.

There is a highly effective use of aesthetic qualities provides strong support for the successful communication of ideas in the finished artworks.

There is a highly skilful and thoughtful application of art elements and art principles contributes towards the resolution of aesthetic qualities in the finished artworks.

The aesthetic qualities evident in the finished artworks contribute towards a highly creative and innovative interpretation of subject matter.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 8 –

Demonstration and resolution of aesthetic qualities in relation to the communication and realisation of ideas in finished artworks.

There is a highly effective use of aesthetic qualities provides strong support for the successful communication of ideas in the finished artworks.

There is a highly skilful and thoughtful application of art elements and art principles contributes towards the resolution of aesthetic qualities in the finished artworks.

The aesthetic qualities evident in the finished artworks contribute towards a highly creative and innovative interpretation of subject matter.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 9 –

Demonstration of the cohesive relationship between at least two finished artworks and their methods of presentation.

There are strong cohesive relationships between the finished artworks, illustrating consistency in related concepts. Each artwork contributes to the development and presentation of highly cohesive artworks.

The finished artworks are very clearly connected through the highly effective depiction of subject matter, the use of strong and consistent aesthetic qualities, and the application of materials and techniques.

The finished artworks are highly sophisticated in their presentation to insightfully communicate cohesive ideas.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 7 –

Application of materials and techniques appropriate to the selected art forms and utilise their inherent characteristics.

Jessica provides visual and written information about the creation of her artworks for authentication purposes.

There is consistent and highly skilful application of materials and techniques in the development, refinement and presentation of finished artworks that supports the strong resolution of ideas and aesthetic qualities.


Jessica demonstrates a thorough understanding of and sensitivity to the inherent characteristics and application of materials and techniques in selected art forms throughout the studio process.

There is a highly skilful and appropriate use of relevant materials, techniques and methods of presentation demonstrates an insightful understanding of the selected art forms.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 8 –

Demonstration and resolution of aesthetic qualities in relation to the communication and realisation of ideas in finished artworks.

There is a highly effective use of aesthetic qualities provides strong support for the successful communication of ideas in the finished artworks.

There is a highly skilful and thoughtful application of art elements and art principles contributes towards the resolution of aesthetic qualities in the finished artworks.

The aesthetic qualities evident in the finished artworks contribute towards a highly creative and innovative interpretation of subject matter.


Uint 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 9 –

Demonstration of the cohesive relationship between at least two finished artworks and their methods of presentation.

There are strong cohesive relationships between the finished artworks, illustrating consistency in related concepts. Each artwork contributes to the development and presentation of highly cohesive artworks.

The finished artworks are very clearly connected through the highly effective depiction of subject matter, the use of strong and consistent aesthetic qualities, and the application of materials and techniques.

The finished artworks are highly sophisticated in their presentation to insightfully communicate cohesive ideas.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 7 –

Application of materials and techniques appropriate to the selected art forms and utilise their inherent characteristics.

Jessica provides visual and written information about the creation of her artworks for authentication purposes.

There is consistent and highly skilful application of materials and techniques in the development, refinement and presentation of finished artworks that supports the strong resolution of ideas and aesthetic qualities.


Jessica demonstrates a thorough understanding of and sensitivity to the inherent characteristics and application of materials and techniques in selected art forms throughout the studio process.

There is a highly skilful and appropriate use of relevant materials, techniques and methods of presentation demonstrates an insightful understanding of the selected art forms.

Unit 1 – Outcome – Criterion 8 –

Demonstration and resolution of aesthetic qualities in relation to the communication and realisation of ideas in finished artworks.

There is a highly effective use of aesthetic qualities provides strong support for the successful communication of ideas in the finished artworks.

There is a highly skilful and thoughtful application of art elements and art principles contributes towards the resolution of aesthetic qualities in the finished artworks.

The aesthetic qualities evident in the finished artworks contribute towards a highly creative and innovative interpretation of subject matter.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 9 –

Demonstration of the cohesive relationship between at least two finished artworks and their methods of presentation.

There are strong cohesive relationships between the finished artworks, illustrating consistency in related concepts. Each artwork contributes to the development and presentation of highly cohesive artworks.

The finished artworks are very clearly connected through the highly effective depiction of subject matter, the use of strong and consistent aesthetic qualities, and the application of materials and techniques.

The finished artworks are highly sophisticated in their presentation to insightfully communicate cohesive ideas.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 10 –

Written documentation that evaluates and reflects on the studio process. (2018 assessment criteria)

Jessica’s evaluation that comprises of visual and written documentation includes a comprehensive description and discussion of the subject matter and focus of the finished artworks. Jessica’s written evaluation is between 750 – 1000 words.

There is a comprehensive discussion and evaluation of how the potential directions contributed to the development and refinement of artworks. There is a highly effective use of visual evidence of potential directions in the discussion.

There is clear and comprehensive evaluation using appropriate terminology of how finished artworks were refined and presented and how relationships between them were established and how materials, techniques and aesthetic qualities have been applied to communicate and resolve ideas.

Jessica’s reflective discussion and analysis uses appropriate terminology on how ideas have been communicated and realised in all of the finished artworks.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 10 –

Written documentation that evaluates and reflects on the studio process. (2018 assessment criteria)

Jessica’s evaluation that comprises of visual and written documentation includes a comprehensive description and discussion of the subject matter and focus of the finished artworks. Jessica’s written evaluation is between 750 – 1000 words.

There is a comprehensive discussion and evaluation of how the potential directions contributed to the development and refinement of artworks. There is a highly effective use of visual evidence of potential directions in the discussion.

There is clear and comprehensive evaluation using appropriate terminology of how finished artworks were refined and presented and how relationships between them were established and how materials, techniques and aesthetic qualities have been applied to communicate and resolve ideas.

Jessica’s reflective discussion and analysis uses appropriate terminology on how ideas have been communicated and realised in all of the finished artworks.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 10 –

Written documentation that evaluates and reflects on the studio process. (2018 assessment criteria)

Jessica’s evaluation that comprises of visual and written documentation includes a comprehensive description and discussion of the subject matter and focus of the finished artworks. Jessica’s written evaluation is between 750 – 1000 words.

There is a comprehensive discussion and evaluation of how the potential directions contributed to the development and refinement of artworks. There is a highly effective use of visual evidence of potential directions in the discussion.

There is clear and comprehensive evaluation using appropriate terminology of how finished artworks were refined and presented and how relationships between them were established and how materials, techniques and aesthetic qualities have been applied to communicate and resolve ideas.

Jessica’s reflective discussion and analysis uses appropriate terminology on how ideas have been communicated and realised in all of the finished artworks.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 10 –

Written documentation that evaluates and reflects on the studio process. (2018 assessment criteria)

Jessica’s evaluation that comprises of visual and written documentation includes a comprehensive description and discussion of the subject matter and focus of the finished artworks. Jessica’s written evaluation is between 750 – 1000 words.

There is a comprehensive discussion and evaluation of how the potential directions contributed to the development and refinement of artworks. There is a highly effective use of visual evidence of potential directions in the discussion.

There is clear and comprehensive evaluation using appropriate terminology of how finished artworks were refined and presented and how relationships between them were established and how materials, techniques and aesthetic qualities have been applied to communicate and resolve ideas.

Jessica’s reflective discussion and analysis uses appropriate terminology on how ideas have been communicated and realised in all of the finished artworks.