Top Arts 2020

Folio: Christina Rankin – VCE Art

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 1 –

Exploration of personal responses, ideas and concepts throughout artistic practice

Christina commences the art process by creating various lists of potential ideas, explorations, mediums and personal concepts and trials some basic imagery aligned with her collective written thoughts.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 1 –

Exploration of personal responses, ideas and concepts throughout artistic practice

Christina is exploring concepts of “Society Driven Fears”. She has sourced inspiration that “gave me an eerie feeling”. She responds to artistic inspiration visually with small studies and annotation indicating possible approaches from the cited images.

Her initial brainstorm indicates potential personal responses to the environment, death and animals amongst others. As she progresses, she directs her thinking towards an environmental concern: “portraying the ugly truth of plastic pollution.” Christina explores this throughout her art practice.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 2 –

Experimentation with materials, techniques, processes and art forms, relevant to personal ideas and concepts, throughout the art process

Christina is exploring materials and techniques relevant to her personal ideas. Her annotation supports her exploration of materials stating she trialled oil pastels as the medium helped “accentuate the gloomy hollows of the face”. Throughout the art process Christina demonstrates skill as she continues to experiment with materials and techniques and manipulate them to create her personal visual language.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 2 –

Experimentation with materials, techniques, processes and art forms, relevant to personal ideas and concepts, throughout the art process

Christina is exploring materials and techniques relevant to her personal ideas. Her annotation supports her exploration of materials stating she trialled oil pastels as the medium helped “accentuate the gloomy hollows of the face”. Throughout the art process Christina demonstrates skill as she continues to experiment with materials and techniques and manipulate them to create her personal visual language.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 3 –

Use of Analytical Frameworks that reflects the exploration and development of artworks through artistic practice

Christina has elected to use a colour key to identify the Analytical Frameworks. She has consistently applied this throughout her artistic practice to analyse, interpret and evaluate her ideas. Her documentation illustrates a comprehensive understanding of art terminology.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 3 –

Use of Analytical Frameworks that reflects the exploration and development of artworks through artistic practice

Christina has elected to use a colour key to identify the Analytical Frameworks. She has consistently applied this throughout her artistic practice to analyse, interpret and evaluate her ideas. Her documentation illustrates a comprehensive understanding of art terminology.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 4 –

Use of visual language to develop artworks relevant to the student’s intentions

Throughout the art process Christina explores and uses visual language to strengthen the communication of her personal concepts and ideas. She clearly illustrates links between her intentions and the development of artworks.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 4 –

Use of visual language to develop artworks relevant to the student’s intentions

Throughout the art process Christina explores and uses visual language to strengthen the communication of her personal concepts and ideas. She clearly illustrates links between her intentions and the development of artworks.

Unit 3 – Outcome 3 – Criteria 5 –

Refinement and resolution of personal ideas in the art process and finished artwork/s

This artwork is the resolution of Christina’s initial exploration and the refinement of her materials, process and techniques. Both the finished artwork and art process demonstrate the development and refinement in the application of skill in the selected medium. Throughout her art practice, her thinking is underpinned by the development of visual language and selected Analytical Frameworks.

Unit 3 – Outcome 3 – Criteria 5 –

Refinement and resolution of personal ideas in the art process and finished artwork/s

This artwork is the resolution of Christina’s initial exploration and the refinement of her materials, process and techniques. Both the finished artwork and art process demonstrate the development and refinement in the application of skill in the selected medium. Throughout her art practice, her thinking is underpinned by the development of visual language and selected Analytical Frameworks.

Unit 3 – Outcome 3 – Criteria 5 –

Refinement and resolution of personal ideas in the art process and finished artwork/s

This artwork is the resolution of Christina’s initial exploration and the refinement of her materials, process and techniques. Both the finished artwork and art process demonstrate the development and refinement in the application of skill in the selected medium. Throughout her art practice, her thinking is underpinned by the development of visual language and selected Analytical Frameworks.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 6 –

Exploration, investigation and experimentation of materials, techniques and processes relevant to personal concepts and ideas in Unit 4

Christina is continuing to explore her personal ideas with clear links to Unit 3. Her concept of Society Driven Fears is being further investigated and we can see the continuation from her initial brainstorms and lists. She continues with a consistent progression of the art process using relevant materials and techniques.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 7 –

Use artistic practice to refine and realise concepts in the body of work and finished artwork(s)

Throughout Christina’s art process she employs critical and creative thinking to conceptualise, communicate and realise her personal ideas in a body of work, including a finished artwork. Her ideas are refined as she progresses towards the finished artwork, supported by visual language development and reflective annotations.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 7 –

Use artistic practice to refine and realise concepts in the body of work and finished artwork(s)

Throughout Christina’s art process she employs critical and creative thinking to conceptualise, communicate and realise her personal ideas in a body of work, including a finished artwork. Her ideas are refined as she progresses towards the finished artwork, supported by visual language development and reflective annotations.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 8 –

Manipulation of visual language and technical qualities to explore, develop, refine and resolve personal ideas and visual imagery throughout Unit 4

Christina spends time brainstorming compositions and developing visual language that best communicates her concepts and ideas. She links the development of her visual language and application of materials, working towards the resolution of her personal ideas.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 8 –

Manipulation of visual language and technical qualities to explore, develop, refine and resolve personal ideas and visual imagery throughout Unit 4

Christina spends time brainstorming compositions and developing visual language that best communicates her concepts and ideas. She links the development of her visual language and application of materials, working towards the resolution of her personal ideas.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criteria 9 –

Resolution of skills, ideas and personal concepts evident in Unit 4 finished artwork/s

Christina has resolved her initial explorations considering aesthetic qualities and refining her skill to present an artwork that communicates her idea of a fear driven by society and its consequences. Her finished artwork demonstrates an understanding of artistic practice.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criteria 9 –

Resolution of skills, ideas and personal concepts evident in Unit 4 finished artwork/s

Christina has resolved her initial explorations considering aesthetic qualities and refining her skill to present an artwork that communicates her idea of a fear driven by society and its consequences. Her finished artwork demonstrates an understanding of artistic practice.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criteria 9 –

Resolution of skills, ideas and personal concepts evident in Unit 4 finished artwork/s

Refined application of skill has been used to complete the final artwork. Christina reflects on her art practice and the culmination of her ideas in supporting annotation.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 10 –

Use of the Analytical Frameworks in reflective and evaluative annotations throughout Unit 4

Throughout her body of work Christina consistently selects relevant Analytical Frameworks to underpin her visual exploration. She uses annotation to reflect, evaluate and justify her artmaking throughout the body of work. During the art process she applies art terminology to help communicate her thinking and working practices.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 10 –

Use of the Analytical Frameworks in reflective and evaluative annotations throughout Unit 4

Throughout her body of work Christina consistently selects relevant Analytical Frameworks to underpin her visual exploration. She uses annotation to reflect, evaluate and justify her artmaking throughout the body of work. During the art process she applies art terminology to help communicate her thinking and working practices.