Top Arts 2020

Folio: Matt McLean – VCE Art

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 1 –

Exploration of personal responses, ideas and concepts throughout artistic practice

Matthew has engaged in a brainstorm and has collected found imagery, beginning his personal exploration of mediums and ideas. He is interested in exploring portraiture and refines his focus to his grandfather who is suffering dementia. Matthew talks about his work quite personally throughout.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 1 –

Exploration of personal responses, ideas and concepts throughout artistic practice

Matthew continues to explore his personal ideas by seeking out portraits and artists that align with his personal aesthetic. He clearly acknowledges and cites the sourced imagery and responds with small studies and annotation explaining how he might apply these in his own artistic practice.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 2 –

Experimentation with materials, techniques, processes and art forms, relevant to personal ideas and concepts, throughout the art process

To assist in the development and refinement of Matthew’s skills and personal concepts he has experimented with various materials, techniques and processes. Illustrated are trials with watercolour approaches, exploration of techniques and completing small studies thinking about developing visual language.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 3 –

Use of Analytical Frameworks that reflects the exploration and development of artworks through artistic practice

At the beginning of his Visual Diary, Matthew nominated a colour key and has employed this throughout. Here we can see his frameworks selected and highlighted as he discusses his thinking and working practices. He has used all of the analytical frameworks in his annotation of his artistic practice evaluating his decisions as he progresses.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 4 –

Use of visual language to develop artworks relevant to the student’s intentions

Matthew is trialling various approaches as he develops his own visual language. He has taken multiple photographs and uses digital processes to construct a visual language that aligns with his personal conceptual direction. Matthew explores various compositional possibilities as he refines his work.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 4 –

Use of visual language to develop artworks relevant to the student’s intentions

Here Matthew is illustrating his understanding of visual language, manipulating materials and techniques to best support his intentions as he works towards the development of an artwork. He is exploring backgrounds and colour and how this may affect the interpretation of the work.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 5 –

Refinement and resolution of personal ideas in the art process and finished artwork/s

Throughout the art process Matthew has resolved his personal ideas and concepts. He has refined his application of skill and developed a visual language that supports the communication and interpretation of his ideas. He has supported his thinking throughout with clear annotations using the frameworks to underpin his discussions. He has numbered/dated the pages in his Visual Diary to support authentication. His finished artwork demonstrates a refinement in the application of his skill.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 6 –

Exploration, investigation and experimentation of materials, techniques and processes relevant to personal concepts and ideas in Unit 4

Matthew continues into Unit 4 with clear links and progression from Unit 3. Here he has returned to brainstorming, with the inclusion of his previous resolved and finished artwork, to further investigate personal concepts.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 6 –

Exploration, investigation and experimentation of materials, techniques and processes relevant to personal concepts and ideas in Unit 4

Matthew is continuing to experiment with portraits. He has sought out inspiration and used his own photographs to stimulate further exploration and experimentation into his personal concepts. It is evidenced throughout Matthew’s visual diary that he continues to refine his skill in the synthesis of his ideas.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 7 –

Use artistic practice to refine and realise concepts in the body of work and finished artwork(s)

The Art process is evident throughout Matthew’s exploration underpinned by critical and creative thinking. His development of visual language and annotation illustrates such thinking in the refinement of his concepts. You can see ideas developing and refining here with the beginning photoshoot, selection of imagery and processes undertaken.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 8 –

Manipulation of visual language and technical qualities to explore, develop, refine and resolve personal ideas and visual imagery throughout Unit 4

Matthew continues the development and application of materials and techniques and processes from Unit 3 and refines and resolves these with clear links between visual language, ideas, concepts and visual imagery. Here Matthew uses photoshop to edit his own images, refining his personal visual language and creating a composition for the resolution of his ideas and concepts.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 9 –

Resolution of skills, ideas and personal concepts evident in Unit 4 finished artwork/s

Matthew has refined his application of paint throughout the unit and considered aesthetic choices to complete a final artwork. His high level application of skill remained consistent throughout the body of work.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 10 –

Use of the Analytical Frameworks in reflective and evaluative annotations throughout Unit 4

Matthew has consistently and effectively selected relevant frameworks to support his critical and creative thinking throughout the art process and his body of work. He applies higher order art language to discuss, analyse and interpret his ideas and decisions. Matthew clearly demonstrates this criteria throughout his visual diary in Unit 4. Dating and page numbers help to provide evidence that his annotation has been completed in real time and supports his art practice.