Top Arts 2020

Folio: Prue Wilkinson – VCE Studio Arts

Unit 3 – Outcome 1 – Criteria 1 –

Preparation of an exploration proposal and work plan that formulates the content and parameters of an individual studio process

Prue begins her individual studio process by preparing an Exploration Proposal and work plan for Unit 3 Outcome 1. Prue uses art terminology to succinctly develop written and visual material that connects and justifies her ideas based on the theme of ‘Confinement’ to explain how her individual studio process will be structured and managed. Prue’s Exploration Proposal is in the range of 750-1000 words and it has been placed, along with her work plan, at the start of her Unit 3 Visual Diary. In the Exploration Proposal, Prue addresses the ideas and conceptual possibilities to be explored, the focus and subject matter to be developed, the artforms, materials and techniques through which the studio process will be explored and developed. Prue analyses and interprets various sources of inspiration relevant to her ideas and she discusses the use of art element, art principles and aesthetic qualities to be investigated.

Unit 3 – Outcome 1 – Criteria 1 –

Preparation of an exploration proposal and work plan that formulates the content and parameters of an individual studio process

At the end of the exploration proposal, Prue provides a work plan that provides an overview to explain how the studio process will be structured and managed.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 2 –

Interpretation of and response to sources of inspiration to explore, develop and refine ideas throughout the studio process

Prue provides written and visual references in the form of annotations and citations that explain how artistic and personal influences will be used and interpreted throughout the studio process. Prue conducts a photoshoot for the exploration of one of her concepts, ‘Confinement of the Mind’. Prudence also interprets and responds to artworks by William Utermohlen, in the form of sketching using a combination of graphite pencil, charcoal and fine liner. These sketches are accompanied by annotations that support the ideas, subject matter and conceptual possibilities mentioned in her exploration proposal.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 2 –

Interpretation of and response to sources of inspiration to explore, develop and refine ideas throughout the studio process

Prue provides written and visual references in the form of annotations and citations that explain how artistic and personal influences will be used and interpreted throughout the studio process. Prue conducts a photoshoot for the exploration of one of her concepts, ‘Confinement of the Mind’. Prudence also interprets and responds to artworks by William Utermohlen, in the form of sketching using a combination of graphite pencil, charcoal and fine liner. These sketches are accompanied by annotations that support the ideas, subject matter and conceptual possibilities mentioned in her exploration proposal.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 3 –

Exploration of conceptual possibilities in the studio process that develops individual and personal subject matter as discussed in the exploration proposal and work plan

Prue has explored a range of conceptual possibilities linked to the selection and development of individual and personal subject matter discussed in the Exploration Proposal and work plan in the form of a mind map. In response to the conceptual possibility ‘Confinement of the Mind’, Prue explores, develops and refines individual and personal subject matter and ideas through the generation and development of a series of drawings. These sketches have been inspired by both the photoshoot she conducted and her artistic source of inspiration, William Utermohlen.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 3 –

Exploration of conceptual possibilities in the studio process that develops individual and personal subject matter as discussed in the exploration proposal and work plan

Prue has explored a range of conceptual possibilities linked to the selection and development of individual and personal subject matter discussed in the Exploration Proposal and work plan in the form of a mind map. In response to the conceptual possibility ‘Confinement of the Mind’, Prue explores, develops and refines individual and personal subject matter and ideas through the generation and development of a series of drawings. These sketches have been inspired by both the photoshoot she conducted and her artistic source of inspiration, William Utermohlen.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 4 –

Apply skills to explore art elements and principles, materials, techniques and processes that communicate individual ideas and demonstrate aesthetic qualities

Referencing images from her photoshoot, Prue explores, develops and refines her skills in watercolour and charcoal as discussed in her Exploration Proposal. Focusing on the theme of ‘Confinement’, Prue begins to explore her subject matter through the use of watercolour and charcoal. Throughout the visual diary, Prue reflects on her application of skills, (both visually and in writing), to explore art elements and principles, materials, techniques and processes to communicate individual ideas and demonstrate aesthetic qualities.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 4 –

Apply skills to explore art elements and principles, materials, techniques and processes that communicate individual ideas and demonstrate aesthetic qualities

Referencing images from her photoshoot, Prue explores, develops and refines her skills in watercolour and charcoal as discussed in her Exploration Proposal. Focusing on the theme of ‘Confinement’, Prue begins to explore her subject matter through the use of watercolour and charcoal. Throughout the visual diary, Prue reflects on her application of skills, (both visually and in writing), to explore art elements and principles, materials, techniques and processes to communicate individual ideas and demonstrate aesthetic qualities.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 5 –

Documentation of exploratory and developmental work in the studio process clarifies ideas to identify and evaluate potential directions

Throughout her visual diary, Prue has consistently presented an organised collection of exploratory and developmental work. Prue’s written and visual documentation includes research, trials and experiments which clearly relate to the ideas expressed in her exploration proposal and work plan. Prue’s visual diary is paginated and most pages are dated. Prue has also identified, numbered and evaluated a range of potential directions. Here, Prue has identified one of her potential directions that relates to her concept ‘Confinement of the Mind’ and clarifies the reasons why she has selected this as a potential direction.

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 5 –

Documentation of exploratory and developmental work in the studio process clarifies ideas to identify and evaluate potential directions

Throughout her visual diary, Prue has consistently presented an organised collection of exploratory and developmental work. Prue’s written and visual documentation includes research, trials and experiments which clearly relate to the ideas expressed in her exploration proposal and work plan. Prue’s visual diary is paginated and most pages are dated. Prue has also identified, numbered and evaluated a range of potential directions. Here, Prue has identified one of her potential directions that relates to her concept ‘Confinement of the Mind’ and clarifies the reasons why she has selected this as a potential direction.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criteria 6 –

Use of selected and evaluated potential directions in the resolution of future artworks

Prue presents a brief written outline at the start of Unit 4 in her Visual Diary, explaining the use of selected potential directions that will form the basis of at least two cohesive artworks in Unit 4 Outcome 1. (Prue chose to complete three finished artworks for Unit 4 Outcome 1). Prue presents an organised and succinct written and visual documentation which considers and communicates planning for the resolution of her finished artworks. This brief written outline which is placed at the beginning of Unit 4, is not included in the word count for the evaluation for Unit 4 Outcome 2.
In this example, Prue provides a visual example of the selected potential direction that she intends to use as the basis for her second finished artwork. Prue analyses and evaluates how she intends to resolve ideas and subject matter that will lead to the cohesive refinement of art elements and principles, aesthetic qualities and materials and techniques in the development of at least two finished artworks.
The brief written outline, documentation and planning for the resolution of finished artworks can be presented at the end of the Unit 3 Visual Diary or in another visual diary or folder. The documentation and planning for the resolution of finished artworks is presented for authentication purposes.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criteria 7 –

Application of materials, techniques and processes appropriate to the selected art forms and their inherent characteristics in the resolution of at least two finished artworks

Prue has presented visual and written documentation of the application of materials and techniques in the resolution of her second artwork based upon one of her selected and evaluated Potential Directions. Prue’s application of materials, techniques and processes is consistent and refined and it reflects a comprehensive understanding of the inherent characteristics of her chosen artform as identified in her Exploration Proposal. Prue also presents visual and written documentation the process for the resolution of this finished artwork for authentication purposes.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criteria 8 –

Demonstration and resolution of aesthetic qualities in relation to the communication and realisation of ideas in at least two finished artworks

Prue’s second finished artwork demonstrates the resolution of aesthetic qualities and personal subject matter in relation to her concept ‘Confinement of the Mind,’ through the consistent and considered application of art element and principles. Prue also documents the process for the resolution of this finished artwork for authentication purposes.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criteria 9 –

Demonstration of the cohesive relationship between at least two finished artworks

The presentation of at least two artworks is cohesive and linked by themes. Prue presents three finished artworks that are cohesively linked through the depiction of subject matter, application of materials and techniques and themes as mentioned in her exploration proposal and work plan. Consistent, cohesive and unified relationships are established through the presentation of at least two finished artworks. (In Prue’s case, three finished artworks). Prue provides visual and written documentation about these decisions in her visual diary for authentication purposes.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 10 –

Written documentation that evaluates and reflects on the studio process

Prue presents a written document that evaluates and reflects on the studio process. She uses considered art terminology to critique, reflect upon and justify the studio process selected and to clarify the presentation of at least two finished artworks. Prue’s evaluation is in the range of 750-1000 words and the document includes visual references to the potential directions that form the basis of her finished artworks. Prue provides a description of focus subject matter and ideas and she evaluates the contribution of potential directions to the resolution of finished artworks. Prue analyses the realisation and communication of her individual ideas and evaluates the resolution of materials, techniques and aesthetic qualities used to communicate her ideas. Prue evaluates the cohesive relationships between her finished artworks and clarifies the presentation of the artworks. Prue also includes a discussion of the space in which the artworks will be displayed and she provides an illustration of the sequence of the artworks.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 10 –

Written documentation that evaluates and reflects on the studio process

Prue presents a written document that evaluates and reflects on the studio process. She uses considered art terminology to critique, reflect upon and justify the studio process selected and to clarify the presentation of at least two finished artworks. Prue’s evaluation is in the range of 750-1000 words and the document includes visual references to the potential directions that form the basis of her finished artworks. Prue provides a description of focus subject matter and ideas and she evaluates the contribution of potential directions to the resolution of finished artworks. Prue analyses the realisation and communication of her individual ideas and evaluates the resolution of materials, techniques and aesthetic qualities used to communicate her ideas. Prue evaluates the cohesive relationships between her finished artworks and clarifies the presentation of the artworks. Prue also includes a discussion of the space in which the artworks will be displayed and she provides an illustration of the sequence of the artworks.

Unit 4 – Outcome 2 – Criteria 10 –

Written documentation that evaluates and reflects on the studio process

Prue presents a written document that evaluates and reflects on the studio process. She uses considered art terminology to critique, reflect upon and justify the studio process selected and to clarify the presentation of at least two finished artworks. Prue’s evaluation is in the range of 750-1000 words and the document includes visual references to the potential directions that form the basis of her finished artworks. Prue provides a description of focus subject matter and ideas and she evaluates the contribution of potential directions to the resolution of finished artworks. Prue analyses the realisation and communication of her individual ideas and evaluates the resolution of materials, techniques and aesthetic qualities used to communicate her ideas. Prue evaluates the cohesive relationships between her finished artworks and clarifies the presentation of the artworks. Prue also includes a discussion of the space in which the artworks will be displayed and she provides an illustration of the sequence of the artworks.