Demonstration of the cohesive relationship between at least two finished artworks.
Criterion 9 is assessed based on the presentation of the artwork/s and the documentation of the exploration proposal and studio process. There must be a clear
development evident from Unit 3 to Unit 4.
Students who have used work produced in Unit 3, because they have been unable to develop new work in Unit 4 must demonstrate significant development of the artwork. These changes should be recorded in documentation along with the reasons for using Unit 3 work. In Millie’s case she was able to re shoot for images in Unit 4.
Consistent, cohesive, and unified relationships are established through the presentation of at least two finished artworks. In Millie’s case, two artworks have been presented in response to Outcome 1, but students only needed to do one for the 2020 study design.
The presentation of the artwork/s is linked to the exploration proposal and studio process by themes and ideas.
As referenced in the exploration proposal and work plan, the relationship is established by the depiction of subject matter, aesthetic qualities, and the application of materials, techniques, and processes.
Evidence of presentation:
- The presentation of the artworks is linked by themes and ideas and subject matter. Millie has chosen to present two artworks for assessment although only one was required for the 2020 amended Study design.
- As referenced in the exploration proposal and work plan, relationships in the artwork may be established through the depiction of subject matter and/or aesthetic qualities and/or application of materials, techniques and processes.
- Millie has carefully considered the way the Prints are presented to enhance the overall cohesiveness of the artworks and emphasised their connectedness through the choice of subject matter, materials, techniques and aesthetic qualities.
- Visual and written documentation about these decisions is presented in the Unit 4 Authentication Material.