Top Arts 2023 – Arthur Foulkes

Folio: Arthur Foulkes – Art Making and Exhibiting

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 4 –

Develop and make artworks in specific art forms.

Arthur has developed two ceramic works from sources of artistic influences and inspiration. The two artworks demonstrate the use of materials, techniques and processes in a specific artform and the development of subject matter and style. The two artworks demonstrate an understanding of visual language to represent ideas and communicate meaning.

Folio commentary provided by

Giuliana D’Angelo
Deryck Greenwood
Kathryn Hendy-Ekers

Unit 3 – Outcome 2 – Criterion 4 –

Develop and make artworks in specific art forms.

Arthur has developed two ceramic works from sources of artistic influences and inspiration. The two artworks demonstrate the use of materials, techniques and processes in a specific artform and the development of subject matter and style. The two artworks demonstrate an understanding of visual language to represent ideas and communicate meaning.

Folio commentary provided by

Giuliana D’Angelo
Deryck Greenwood
Kathryn Hendy-Ekers

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 7 –

Refine and resolve materials, techniques and processes in at least one finished artwork in a specific art form.

Arthur has refined and resolved the use of materials, techniques and processes explored in Unit 3 to make at least one finished artwork in the art form of Ceramics. The artwork has that expanded on the artworks completed in Unit 3. In his annotations Arthur explains how he further explored techniques and processes in Ceramics. Arthur also discusses how he has used visual language to communicate his ideas.

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 7 –

Refine and resolve materials, techniques and processes in at least one finished artwork in a specific art form.

Arthur has refined and resolved the use of materials, techniques and processes explored in Unit 3 to make at least one finished artwork in the art form of Ceramics. The artwork has that expanded on the artworks completed in Unit 3. In his annotations Arthur explains how he further explored techniques and processes in Ceramics. Arthur also discusses how he has used visual language to communicate his ideas.