Top Arts 2023 – Jack Snow-Viener

Folio: Jack Snow-Viener – Art Making and Exhibiting

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 8 –

Document and record artmaking and the refinement and resolution of at least one finished artwork in a specific art form.

Jack has progressively documented and recorded the resolution and refinement using written and visual documentation of at least one finished artwork. He discusses his refinement and resolution of visual language in the artwork.

Folio commentary provided by

Giuliana D’Angelo
Deryck Greenwood
Kathryn Hendy-Ekers

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 8 –

Document and record artmaking and the refinement and resolution of at least one finished artwork in a specific art form.

Jack has progressively documented and recorded the resolution and refinement using written and visual documentation of at least one finished artwork. He discusses his refinement and resolution of visual language in the artwork.

Folio commentary provided by

Giuliana D’Angelo
Deryck Greenwood
Kathryn Hendy-Ekers

Unit 4 – Outcome 1 – Criterion 8 –

Document and record artmaking and the refinement and resolution of at least one finished artwork in a specific art form.

Jack has progressively documented and recorded the resolution and refinement using written and visual documentation of at least one finished artwork. He discusses his refinement and resolution of visual language in the artwork.

Folio commentary provided by

Giuliana D’Angelo
Deryck Greenwood
Kathryn Hendy-Ekers